Chapter 2

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The ride to Isengard was a swift and silent one. While the people of Edoras were escorted back to their home with what remained of the army, Théoden parted from their company to make a visit to a certain Wizard. And he wasn't alone. Aragorn, Legolas, Linnéa, Gimli, Gandalf, and Éomer were all in his company. Though the enemy had been defeated for now, none were willing to allow the king to be in the once highly regarded Wizard's presence alone. Gandalf had his own reasons for wishing to confront his mentor and old confidant. The others were merely their guards should something occur. Saruman may no longer have his Uruk-hai army at his command, but they were all certain other beasts may lay in wait at his stronghold. His last line of defense. There were Orcs and Goblins, along with the Wargs that could pose another threat to them. Creatures that would be more than willing to tear them limb from limb for their desperate master.

Linnéa only hoped that whatever may hide in the shadows would not be too great in number. She did not doubt the strength of those around her. But they only just survived a terrible onslaught days ago. She wasn't willing to test their luck. Even with rest, there was no way every one of them were ready to go another round against Saruman's forces. The princess didn't care how much of a front these men put on, the only ones out of the group she expected to be fully recovered were Gandalf and Legolas. She personally felt the slight aches in her limbs from the muscles that strained from the long battle against such brutal enemies. After all, that fall from the upper walkway indeed left its mark under the armor.

As the tower of Isengard finally became visible through the treetops around them, their party began to slow to a trot before walking. All watched their surroundings to be certain no surprise attack lay in store for them. Their ears strained against the familiar sounds of the forest around them. There was a stench in the air that none could mistake belonged to Orcs, along with the vague scent of burned wood. But something stood out to Linnéa as she spoke up in nearly a whisper,

"Why is it so quiet?"

The others couldn't help but notice as well.

"I don't hear the Orcs," Legolas stated. "Or any movement of an army, but there are strange footsteps in the ground." That's when he became puzzled. "There's a lot of water up ahead."

Gandalf and Théoden lead them as the path thinned before finally opening at the end where the entrance of Isengard stood. Now there was barely anything left of it. The once stacked stones lay broken or cracked. Many pieces of it littered the ground around them and sat submerged in a large muddy lake that started only inches from them. But the drastic change of the landscape was hardly on their mind at the sight before them.

Two familiar faces sat atop the destroyed entrance with broad grins as they cheered at their arrival. Merry and Pippin appeared perfectly in good health with their pipes in hand, mugs and food at their feet. The fact that the two Hobbits weren't injured was a feat in itself as they brought their horses to a halt on the water's edge.

"Welcome, my lords and lady, to Isengard!" Merry greeted with his arms wide open.

"You young rascals!" Gimli scolded. "A merry hunt you've led us on and now we find you feasting and... and smoking!"

Aragorn smirked, just thankful to see them alive and unharmed. Legolas offered a small smile, and Linnéa shook her head at their relaxed manner with a chuckle. Leave it to Hobbits to find the comforts of home elsewhere after facing down a formidable enemy.

"We are sitting on a field of victory enjoying a few well-earned comforts," Pippin pointed out.

Merry inhaled on his pipe deeply before pulling it away to make a chewing motion. The action allowed smoke to escape each time his mouth slightly opened.

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