Chapter 7

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"Are you even trying, milady?"

The clash of their axes against each other resonated beyond the walls of Edoras. The two stared each other down. But it wasn't intimidating in the slightest and more of a friendly competition.

"You are growing slow!"

Gimli shoved away the princess's weapon causing them to gain distance between each other.

"You are the one that has grown slow," Linnéa taunted before adding with a grin, "And old."

The Dwarf sputtered in reply before charging forward. She easily danced around him.

Nearly two days passed since Gandalf left with Pippin and during that time it had been quiet in Edoras. It was the first time in a long while that life seemed normal without the threat of Orcs bearing down on them. To pass the time, Linnéa rode her stallion out among the hills or found Gimli to spar alongside. She was aware that over the coming days the two of them gained quite the interest from a few civilians. And that went for the guards too that lined the top of the walls. Their style was a bit different from those of Men. They were louder with their banter, and the way both of them fought proved to be more brutal with their hits. Sometimes a few of them would flinch, worried that either of them were hurt. But the two would only laugh and carry on. Legolas found it a bit amusing as he watched from the sidelines.

"You have gained a few admirers," the Elf commented one evening.

They were eating dinner in the main hall when the prince sat to join the two and Aragorn, who had already dug in.

"We are aware," Linnéa answered. "How come we haven't seen you join us? You like to watch, but only stay at a distance. Even Aragorn has had his fun."

"Afraid of getting beaten by a Dwarf," Gimli chuckled.

"If I remember correctly, the last time I went against a Dwarf sixty years ago I won," Legolas huffed.

With a huff, the Dwarf stabbed at his meal.

"Lucky for you, they were very limited in arms," Linnéa added.

Aragorn smirked from behind his mug.

"Hardly a fight that is fair, I must say."

Legolas had nothing to say to that as the Dwarves grinned at him.

"Gimli proposed a challenge for you during the festivities. Now I'm proposing one to you."

"This ought to be good," Gimli grumbled for only Aragorn to hear.

"Tomorrow morning, outside of Edoras we can spar. Winner gets bragging rights."

"The two of you are going to hurt yourself with real weapons," the Ranger pointed out.

"Ever fought with a quarterstaff?"

"A long time ago," Legolas answered.

"Then we will use that." She then looked to Aragorn. "Happy?"

The man nodded.

"You sucked the fun out of it," Gimli grunted.

With a smirk, Linnéa finished her meal and stood. "See you both in the morning."

Leaving the room the princess nearly ran into Éowyn, coming around a corner.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there," the blonde woman spoke.

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