Chapter 5

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It took the company nearly a week before the gates of the Blue Mountains loomed in front of them. They were greeted with a very warm welcome. Haum, the lord who oversaw the great city, was one of the first to meet them. Commenting that they had been on the lookout for their arrival the past few days.

"We were held up," Poppy commented. "I apologize for being so late."

"That does not matter, think nothing of it. Come! Others wish to see you."

The banquet that evening proved to be even greater than the one in Rivendell. The whole city partook in the celebration throughout the main hall and those connected to it. Boisterous laughter and bar songs filled the area, along with loud conversations and dancing. It wasn't long before some Dwarves began stumbling around between the tables with half empty mugs sloshing around as they tried to remain standing. On a normal visit Linnéa would drink just as much along with them, but amongst all of her conversations with the Dwarves around her, the princess made sure to keep a watchful eye on her mother just down the table. Poppy had yet to touch the drink to her lips that had been set in front of her. Instead, she discreetly poured it into the mugs on either side of her for others to drink or out under the table. Even the food on the plate had barely been eaten.

"Drink up, milady!" Dimol encouraged the princess from across the table. "Show our kin how it's done!"

The Dwarves around them cheered in agreement. Eyes rolling in a playful manner the princess threw back her head and downed the rest of the ale in her mug. The spectators grew even more rowdy around them. Not that this would affect her in any sort of way. After all, this was only her third pint and barely felt a tingling sensation from the drinks. As the mug became filled again a drinking game was proposed. In their excitement Linnéa managed to slip away.

Dancing was a nice alternative to remain aware of everything. She noticed that Poppy sat along the edge of the area and clapped along to the tune with a few others. Eventually, the princess grew tired after a long day on the road and finally excused herself to leave the circle. Finding Poppy the two smiled at each other.

"Enjoying yourself?" the Half-breed questioned.

"I am, but I have grown rather tired and was about to head to bed," Linnéa said.

"I will join you." She slowly stood. "Gives me a good excuse to disappear without being teased for leaving so early."

Their arms linked with each other as they made their way towards the doors.

"You are usually one of the last to leave," the princess pointed out.

"Well, the older you get, the earlier you want to sleep than stay up till dawn."

Laughing for a moment Linnéa forgot all about what Lord Elrond told her days ago. The two conversed as they made their way towards the guest quarters talking about anything that came to mind. Arriving at the princess's door first, Poppy waited until she was dressed in sleepwear before tucking her in.

"I did not drink that much at the banquet," Linnéa protested. Even though her eyes felt rather heavy at the moment.

"I know, but this brings back memories so let me enjoy it," Poppy said.

"Hmmm, you are acting weird."

"I'm your mother, it's my job."

"Whatever you say..."

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