Chapter 27

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The wooden quarterstaff came slamming against the ground so hard it caused dirt to spray through the air. The tip just missed its mark as the Dwarf managed to move backwards swift enough from his downed position. With wide eyes he looked at the area he once occupied before glancing up at the smirking princess on the other end. A boisterous laugh sounded from the side lines. Linnéa pulled back, wiping the sweat from her brow.

"Just when we thought yah were not capable of more surprises, lass," Dwalin boasted.

"Guess I picked up a few things in my travels," she commented. Offering a hand to her fighting companion she hoisted him back to his feet. "Again?"

"Maybe another time," the Dwarf muttered.

Quickly scurrying off to prevent another beating, her mentor laughed loudly when someone interrupted them,

"A letter for yah, milady."

Turning, the princess smiled and greeted Glóin. She took the rolled parchment from his grasp. There was no engraving on the front, which immediately told her who it was from.

"Thank you, my friend," she said.

Tucking the item inside a breast plate for safe keeping, Dwalin cocked a brow.

"Shouldn't yah read it?" the warrior wondered. "It could be important."

"It can wait," she answered.

After countless rounds against other individuals within that came to train in the grounds, Linnéa dragged herself back to her quarters. A bath had already been drawn for her as she stripped herself from the armor before climbing in. The parchment fell loose and fell to the ground beside the heap of metal. Since it arrived, Linnéa speculated what the contents may be. Not that it would probably be anything bad, but Elves could be a bit surprising at times. Washing before the water went cold, Linnéa pulled herself out of the tub before drying off. She dressed in lounge wear, consisting of a pair of trousers with a draw string tied at the front to keep it resting on the waist, and a light-colored tunic. Plucking the rolled parchment from the ground, she broke the seal.



I trust things have been well inside Erebor since the last time we spoke. As I have mentioned it is odd being home again. My kin have been more than welcoming, but no longer traveling throughout Middle-earth is something to get used to. I cannot imagine how Aragorn is feeling now.


Linnéa snickered at the remark, briefly thinking of their friend. She sat on the edge of the bed.


I apologize if this may be too bold for me to say, but I miss your company. Even if our lives seemed to be constantly on the line more times than I wish to count. If you would have me, along with your kin, I would like to come to Erebor on a personal visit. I am asking permission as I am sure none will be happy to see me show up on your doorstep out of the blue. And if that is not possible, then just to see you for a few hours in Dale would be enough.

I look forward to your reply and will keep an eye out for your raven.



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