Chapter 33

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Linnéa stood in front of a mirror to situate her armor into place. Lighter armor had been offered from the armory, but the princess politely declined. While it may allow her to move faster, she didn't plan on running through the trees like Legolas and his kin. The princess would take the ground approach on Dwyer's back. That's where she would be more effective. Trying to prevent herself from tripping or falling from the high branches, only to fall behind or worse, injure herself.

"Linnéa?" Legolas spoke on the other side of the door. He knocked just in case. "Are you ready?"

"Come in," Linnéa said.

He entered the room. The prince watched her braid the loose hair down to the tips.

"How many of us will there be?" she asked.

"Ten," the prince answered. "I will have two stationed on the ground with you."

"That's not needed. I can follow just fine and protect myself if we run into anything."

His head shook. "It's not meant for your protection. I know you can handle any situation. But it's good to have scouts below if any try to escape." The Elf stepped closer to fix a Durin braid back into place. "Do you have everything?"

"You worry too much," she said.

Legolas bent down to kiss her. "I cannot help it with you. You like danger sometimes."


At the front gates, the hunting party waited. All stood at attention when the prince arrived.

"My lord, Legolas," a guard greeted. "Everything is prepared."

"We will head east," the Elf instructed. "There have been rumors of some sightings there."

The soldier's eyes flickered towards the princess for a brief moment. "There's no need for the extra hands. We can handle them with just nine."

Legolas looked at his kin, unamused. "Help is never a bad thing to have when hunting the spiders. We never know how many more have bred since the last encounter."

"With her among our ranks it will be a hindrance to our hunt. And we cannot afford to look after the princess just because she's curious."

"I would watch what you are saying. You insult a guest that King Thranduil and I have welcomed into our home. She is more than capable of joining this hunt. And that is the end of this discussion."

The guard fell back into line further ahead.

"Isn't he a barrel of fun," Linnéa muttered under her breath.

"I'm surprised you didn't say anything," Legolas said.

The Elves muttered amongst one another oblivious to the fact that the princess knew every word they said.

"Believe me, I will when the time is right," she said.

"Now isn't the best time?"

"Not yet." The princess eyed the group in front of them and noticed the missing numbers. "Are some lagging behind?"

"No. Three went ahead to scout–"

A horn echoed in the distance, drawing their attention to the east.

"They've found them!" the guard shouted.

Linnéa didn't wait for the prince's order. The princess rushed towards her stallion that waited on the other side of the bridge with two Elves at her heels. With the nudge and a hiyah Dwyer took off into the Greenwood after Legolas and the rest of the guards. She rode at the front, two Elves at her back in a V-formation. Due to thick branches and rocks on the ground it forced her to maneuver around them for the sake of the horses. Even duck under low hanging limbs. They fell back just a little, but Linnéa always found Legolas in sight.

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