Chapter 41

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King Thranduil sat in his chair to stare at the prince below. After hearing what his son had to say in regards to his recent travels to Erebor it shouldn't have come as a surprise. He knew it was coming. The proposal. They had this conversation nearly two months ago. Still, the ruler felt mixed feelings.

"When?" Thranduil questioned.

"Durin's Day."

The king's lips twitched a bit. "Already the ruler wishing to appease both sides in a rather strenuous history."

"We agreed that in the celebrations there will be individuals of every race throughout Dale and Erebor."

"Which means that inner personal issues won't be on the mind of the Dwarves and the Elves."

The prince shrugged. "It's a tall order and highly unlikely we can stop a fight from breaking out, but neither of us see the harm in trying."

"A suggestion from King Dáin's Council?"

"No. Linnéa and I made the decision ourselves. By now the princess will have made an announcement to her people. And, in turn, informed the Council in the process."

"Their soon-to-be queen has guts, I will give her that. I can just imagine the storm coming Princess Linnéa way from keeping them in the dark."

His fingers drummed against the arm to the chair in thought.

"When do you make the announcement to our people?" he asked.

"Sooner rather than later," Legolas said.

"Might I suggest you don't be so bold as Princess Linnéa? Warn our Council before the announcement."

"I don't need to make a statement like her. Nearly all of the Elves are leaving. Me as the king to those who stay makes no sense here in the Greenwood. These halls will be empty soon. All I can offer is that if they wish to have some sense of a life in harmony it can be in Dale or Erebor. Linnéa needs to shock her kin. To come together to make the decision hastily. There's no reason to drag it out. Either they still want her after this proposal or wish to try their luck in another way."

"Then you believe they will still stand by her. And you, for that matter."

"I do. It's clear to see their love for her. It's not just among the warriors she fights alongside. In my visits the Dwarves of Erebor, servants, the people of Dale, all respect her. Love her. Would die for her."

"I hope then that they still feel that way. I've never been one to hold my tongue when it comes to my disdain towards Dwarves. Thorin and I never saw eye to eye, and King Dáin... is a rather brash individual that does not have a way with words. Linnéa is the only one that has dared to try bridging the gap. Even her mother, Poppy, stayed away from this region."

"Because we imprisoned her in the dungeons alongside the rest of the Dwarvish Company. I can imagine why Poppy kept Linnéa away. And the rest of Erebor for that matter."

"I do not blame them for thinking I may steal their princess. Either way, she's the only individual I see that is capable of sitting on that throne that will give the Dwarves a fighting chance in this world. It still surprises me that the throne which drove the line of her father mad from greed has no effect on her. She's the only Dwarf who can do this. If her people, and the Council, turn against her, I believe it will be a grave mistake on their part."

"We cannot force them to follow her if they do not wish for it."

"No. But I hope for their sake they refrain from that conclusion."

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