Chapter 36

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Three months it took for the prince to return to Erebor. This time they didn't meet in the woods. He rode right to the gate on his horse.

"The king will see you," Bumbur said.

The Elf didn't expect to be greeted by anyone other than the princess. Though he followed after the Dwarf without question to the throne room.

King Dáin sat on the dais. This time there were no members of his council around.

"Welcome back to Erebor, Prince Legolas," the ruler greeted. "I trust yer journey was an uneventful one."

"It was," Legolas answered. "I couldn't help but notice a few individuals are missing."

The Dwarf chuckled. "Yes. In a way, this is one of the few times I have a moment of peace. Though the one voice I miss is Linnéa's."

"Is there a problem?"

The king made it sound like none of them had been in Erebor for some time.

"She left with a handful of warriors for Edoras a few weeks ago. The king and queen have been plagued with Wild Men recently and asked for our assistance. And so soon after handling a handful of dark creatures that came down from the north."

"I thought with the end of Sauron, these lands would be purged of this darkness."

King Dáin nodded. "I understand that yah still have problems with giant spiders. I have come to the conclusion that darkness will never be vanquished to a point where it is never seen again. Something will always find a way to survive. But we can at least be grateful they will never reach the same power as what came from Mordor."

The prince agreed.

"Princess Linnéa is due to return sometime today with the others. Please enjoy yerself in the Mountain or Dale. A servant will show ya to yer room."

Legolas quickly settled into the same guest room the Dwarves offered to him on the last visit. While the prince began to consider his options to remain busy till Linnéa returned a knock sounded at the door. Gimli stood on the other side, grinning.

"A little birdie told me that you returned for a visit," he greeted. The two clasped one another lower arms in greeting. "Glad to see that we didn't run you off after your last stay."

"If you did, I'm sure I wouldn't have heard the end of it," Legolsa said.

"You've got that right."

The friends released one another.

"I expected you to head for Edoras with Linnéa. Not find you still here."

"It was my plan, but my father asked for me to stay under the Mountain. Dwalin is not getting any younger and I am learning the ropes to eventually take his command. If there is ever a time when the future queen is called away from the throne, I will be the one to hold down the fort."

"I am glad that she has you to watch her back."

"Not that she really needs it," Gimli laughed.

The prince agreed.

"Did you have any plans today? Because I know a training ground that has our name on it."

The Elf shook his head. "Lead the way."

It wasn't till midafternoon when the horns of Erebor sounded in the valley. The noise made Legolas and Gimli halt mid spar.

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