Chapter 31

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When the letter from Legolas arrived, it could not be kept a secret from the king and Council. The reaction was instant. Many were quick to protest. How they weren't about to send their princess into King Thranduil's domain. Even if his son won their favor, the last time their kin traveled through the Woodland Realm they ended up in the prison.

"That all happened a lifetime ago and occurred for a different reason," Linnéa said. "This is a formal invite."

"Doesn't mean it can't be a trap," Glóin muttered. He remembered the incident well. And how they were forced to escape through the cellar in barrels down the river.

"And where is the gain in that? We aren't at war anymore."

"You will be accompanied by a party," Dwalin stated.

"I will be going alone."

"Out of the question!" one of the elder Dwarves protested.

"We will not have you entering Mirkwood on your own without protection," another agreed.

"There are still rumors of those horrible spiders hiding out in the trees, even if life has returned to the forest," a Dwarf pointed out.

"Prince Legolas entered our home without guards and attendants," the princess interrupted. "He trusted us to come alone and I will show the same courtesy. The Elves will see it as hostile if we came to their doorsteps armed to the teeth. And I will not risk what little relations we have with them with petty natures that may come out through harsh words. This will be another visit, like many I have taken before, on my own, to extend our reach elsewhere in Middle-earth."

"This isn't the same," Dwalin pressed. "You will be meeting with King Thranduil."

"My king, please talk some sense into her," one of the elders spoke up. "You cannot seriously condone this visitation?"

All of them waited with baited breath for King Daín's answer, though the Dwarves were confident in what he may say–

"I agree with Princess Linnéa."

Their mouths dropped in shock. The outrage was instantaneous. There were shouts, protests, Linnéa half expected to see a chair thrown across the room. King Daín didn't try to talk over them. He allowed the trusted advisors to shout over each other a bit longer before he raised a hand to silence them.

"Princess Linnéa gives valid points. Prince Legolas did not insult us when he approached our doors and we will extend the same well wishes to his kin. Despite the friction from our past."

"We cannot allow her to enter their household in good conscience without anticipating that something will happen!" an elder shouted.

"Then I take it you will be defying your king's final decision?" the princess wondered.

The silence that followed was deafening.

"King Thranduil would be a fool to go against us," King Daín said. "But if he did attempt to throw her in their dungeons, we will march on their doorsteps armed to the teeth and enact the same force as we did to reclaim Erebor."

"And then some," Dwalin grunted.

The Council had no choice but to agree.

"When do you leave?" Glóin asked.

"In five days," Linnéa answered.


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