Chapter 30

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Linnéa sat on the edge of the bed, just about to turn in for the evening. Tomorrow Legolas would return to the Greenwood. The stay went better than expected. While there were quite a few Dwarves that decided to keep their distance, others tried to accept the Elf's presence within their halls. If King Daín, Gimli, and herself approved of the prince, they put in some kind of effort themselves. Legolas ended up being the perfect guest. Linnéa worried there may be an incident like the meeting in Rivendell when her kin fought against his own around Lord Elrond's gathering. Thankfully no such thing transpired. The prince dared to face off against a few Dwarves on the outer grounds, Dwalin being one of them. Those fights ended in Legolas's favor to the annoyance of some. Though the old Dwarf warrior nearly bested him in their head-to-head.

Legolas even accompanied her to the forges. In the hot atmosphere she showed her craft to the prince. This display wasn't like her time in Helms Deep before the battle against Saruman's forces. Not pressed for time and in her element, the princess's concentration and determination came through. Linnéa made him act as an apprentice to learn techniques she used. He broke a sweat and tied up his hair like her in a messy bun to try and keep cool in their rendering of a blade. The look of him had her admiring his physique again when Legolas stuck the blade into the forge to keep the surface heated. Though in turn, the Elf watched her discreetly to see the way her sweat soaked clothing clung in the right way to certain areas. How the muscles in her arms reflected the light and shadow in their curves when bringing down the hammer against metal.

A knock at the door drew the princess from her thoughts. She hadn't expected the individual on the other side.

"My king," Linnéa bowed her head. "What can I do for you at this hour?"

"No need for formalities, my dear," he smiled. "Though I wonder if I could have a moment of yer time."

"Of course." Both of them took a seat at the small table in the room. "What is on your mind?"

"It has something to do with a certain Elf and yer interest in him."

Linnéa's lips parted in shock at the blunt statement. Only to give a sigh when his brow cocked in a manner that made her forgo protesting.

"Was it that obvious?" she wondered.

"Not at first. But I began to have my suspicions. The way the two of yah look and act around one another. Sometimes yer words. Though I wasn't certain till I saw yah kiss him when the two of yah returned from that ride north."

The princess didn't realize that the king saw them. "Are you mad?"

"Why would I be?"

"Elves and Dwarves. Swore enemies. And on top of that he's the son of King Thranduil, a ruler no one here is fond of for obvious reasons. If he were from Rivendell that may have gone over better."

"Is this why the two of yah have hidden this?"


"Are yah in love with him?"

"I am."

"I will be honest with yah, if Éomer had been yer choice in a suitor it would have gone over better with our kin. The advisors would have approved in a heartbeat. Yah will have yer work cut out for the both of yah with this choice. And I'm not just talking about Erebor. The Woodland Realm... Yah have never met King Thranduil before. I believe ye can handle yerself in his presence, though that does not mean he won't try to stop this here and now."

"What about you? Will you put a stop to it?"

His head shook. "No. Yah need a worthy ruler by yer side when yah take the throne. His training for the role is similar to yers. Prince Legolas will fall into the position with ease. Nothing needs to be taught in that sense. Though the both of yah will need to learn the etiquette of both households to not insult anyone."

"The Dwarves will not accept an Elf for their king."

"Then in contrast the Elves will not accept a Dwarf for their queen. Despite the fact that yah are not fully Dwarf from yer lineage, yah still grew up with us." He reached forward to take the princess's hand in his. "I am growing old. Yer time will soon come. And yah have always been a great ruler in yer title as a princess. Our kin love yah, even those from Dale, and everyone that yah have met in yer travels to strengthen our number of allies with and without yer mother. Which makes me believe that even if the Elves will not accept the two of yah, those in Erebor will."

"But if they don't."

"Then yah have a big decision to make."

"I could be the end of the Durin line though for this decision..."

"If it was meant to be, then so be it. I was never supposed to sit on the throne. It should have been yer father. No matter what, I will support yah. Because I believe that yah are the only ruler capable of handling us moving forward."

Linnéa squeezed King Daín's hand with a wide smile. "Thank you."


Legolas thanked the Dwarves at the front gate for their hospitality. They gave him provisions for the road home, and a few other trinkets as gifts. This time instead of bowing, King Daín and the prince shook hands. Even the advisors wished him well, along with Dwalin. Gimli shook his friend's hand with a grin,

"I look forward to your next visit. Then we will fight one another."

"I count on it," the Elf said.

Linnéa rode alongside the prince to the edge of the Greenwood where the docks for Dale and the Woodland Realm were used for trade. They move just out of sight from the morning crowd where captains and crews prepared the ships.

"Now that we're truly alone without the worry of someone overhearing, how did my visit really go?" Legolas questioned.

"Surprisingly without a hitch," Linnéa said. "Honestly, I heard nothing but good things, even from the advisors, and they can be stuck in their old ways." She linked their fingers together. "Does that lift a weight off your shoulders?"

"It does. When they said I was welcome again, it could have been a bluff and I'd never see the inside of the Mountain again. Or you for that matter."

"Then I guess I'd have to rebel a bit and scale down the wall to meet you in the forest in secret."

Legolas gave a laugh. "I can see you doing that."

The two of them shared a long, slow kiss. One that the princess felt all the way down to her toes.

"I want you to come to the Greenwood," he stated when they parted.

"Right now?" she gapped.

"That would be nice, but I know you'd have to give your kin warning. Otherwise they'd send a search party thinking I kidnapped you."

Linnéa imagined the warriors riding up on the Greenwood's gates armed to the teeth and shouting insults at the 'pointy-eared twinkle toes'. What an amusing sight.

"But soon. I want you to see where I'm from. Meet my father. Observe our inner workings like I have in Erebor."

"Your father has quite the reputation."

"So does King Daín, but I walked out in one piece. Besides, if my father has any issue with you, I will be there for your defense. Just as you looked after me in your home."

"Very well," she agreed. "If you can brave my kin, then I can brave yours."

The response pleased the prince and his arms wrapped around her to give the princess another kiss.

"I will send a letter when everything is ready for your arrival," he said.

"And I look forward to it," she answered.

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