Chapter 37

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Back and forth the couple went. From Erebor and the Greenwood. Both of them slowly tried to integrate one another into their daily routines within their households. The first steps. Not enough that'd cause immediate protest, though it may have raised a few brows in the process. King Dáin paid those questions no mind from the advisors. The king waved them off. King Thranduil, however, observed closely. Carefully. The ruler kept his thoughts to himself, while some of his subjects chose to gossip about the princess's involvement in their realm. It wasn't done in a negative way. Many were still curious about the future ruler of Erebor. They didn't know what to make of her. She didn't fit into a single mold.

This went on for nearly a year. While Linnéa and Legolas had been open with King Dáin about how they felt towards one another and their plans moving forward, the same thing could not be said for the Elven King. This went on for so long that the prince needed to talk to his father at some point. The princess rode into the Woodland Realm late that afternoon. She looked a bit devilish, the blade of her weapon dirtied, and flanked by four of the Elven Guard out on patrol that day. A collection of giant spiders attempted to rush Dwyer and her on the road. A grave miscalculation on their part. By the time the Elves came to her assistance upon hearing the noise of the fight, she'd killed four alone. It came from a nest that gave them problems in the last two months. But now with the creatures' dead all they had to do was locate the exact area they came from. To make sure there were none still in hiding. If that wasn't the case, based on their calculations, this should be the last of the giant spiders.

Legolas couldn't help but express his worry. She'd been alone and outnumbered. Not that it was ever an issue in the past. But the spiders were different from Orcs and Goblins. One side of her jaw already started to swell up from a hit. And a cut above an eyebrow bled a bit from the small opening.

"I'm alright," she reassured.

"I'll have the healers take a look just to be sure," he said.

The guards began to gather to hunt the last nest. To not allow any of the creatures to get away if more remained.

"I have to leave with the others," he said. "We need to be sure this is all over. I will see you later at dinner."

"I can come with you."

His head shook. "You've done more than enough. Now it's our turn to finish what you started."

"Very well. But be careful."

"I'm almost certain you've already removed any danger that may have presented itself to us."

"Doesn't mean you should let your guard down."


Servants took Dwyer to the stables to be cared for and others whisked Linnéa away to her room. Only a few minutes inside the bathroom, the servants instructed her to strip. They prepared a bath to remove blood and guts that covered her in the fight. Two healers during this time. Herbs and a rub that smelled earthy were applied to the bruise to assist the swelling. Then an ointment was spread across the cut. It made the area tingle.

"No stitches will be needed," the female Elf stated. "That spider must have been a handful."

"All four of them were," Linnéa agreed. The healers shared a look of surprise from the numbers she went against. "I have the guards that caught up to thank for making the last three easier to deal with."

A servant then led the princess towards the bath. "We've infused the water with medicinal herbs," she said. "Just in case you have any other injuries you do not yet feel."

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