Chapter 38

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News traveled throughout the realm that not only were Aragorn and Arwen expecting a child, but Éowyn and Faramir too. For nearly six months Linnéa traveled away from the Mountain alongside Gimli and Bumbur. To welcome the new heirs to the throne. And she wasn't the only one to make an appearance. Legolas joined them along the road from Gondor to Edoras. He'd arrived two days prior to them. Éomer took the place of his sister due to the fact that she could not travel in her late stages of pregnancy to meet Aragorn and Arwen. And of course, Gandalf had been present too. Linnéa missed the sight of the Hobbits. Then it may have felt like the Fellowship were together again. But all understood that the Hobbits were content in the Shire and began families of their own. Though they sent well wishes and gifts to both households.

Linnéa enjoyed both stays. To see Arwen and Éowyn again. She'd missed their company. Letters weren't the same as face to face conversations. They inquired about her potential rule of Erebor, which King Dáin worked hard at to prepare the Council for the shift to come. Legolas and her growing relationship that had not gone unnoticed under their watchful eye. And when they might see barins of her own. Both households approved of the union between the prince and princess, quick to voice they'd support their rule no matter what the Dwarf and Elvish households may say once an official announcement was made.

Two months after their return under the Mountain, Legolas rode from the Woodland Realm. King Dáin welcomed the prince, a twinkle in his eye, and directed him to find the princess in her private overlook.

The prince swept through the halls and nearly forgot to greet those he passed based on his distraction. It had been a long while since he'd felt this nervous. A few times, both hands smoothed out his top to make sure it remained in place. And his hair after the long ride. Legolas turned the last corner and walked to the end of the path that led to the overlook. Linnéa sat on a stone bench, head slightly craned back, eyes closed. She appeared peaceful. At ease. He thought for a moment to leave her be, and return to the guest room to unpack. However, her eyes opened, head turning to look over at the Elf.

"This is a nice surprise," she smiled. "I didn't expect you to be here."

Legolas smiled, taking a seat. Her head came to rest on his shoulder, their hands clasping atop their legs.

"Thought I may make an impromptu visit," he said.

"After all those months we spent on the road together, you just couldn't get enough, huh?"

"Never," he chuckled. He kissed her forehead. "What are you doing out here?"

"Taking a breather. With all the meetings and preparations I have to do before my coronation it's enough to make one's head spin. Which is why I look forward to finally taking my place on the throne. It will be a lot less stressful."

"Agreed. Has a date been decided on?"

"Durin's Day seems to be appropriate. It's in nine months. More than enough time for not only our own arrangements, but for our allies to attend. I want to be sure that Arwen and Éowyn can ride."

He hummed in agreement. "Do you think our friends in the Shire will join us?"

"I believe some of them will. But even if they are unable to make it, I understand. It's quite the journey between the two places." Then she wondered, "Do you think your father will come?"

"I don't see why not. You've seemed to have won over his favor."

"It would be amusing. To see your kin and mine partake in drinking games that Gimli always ropes you into."

Legolas laughed. "That'd be a sight indeed."

His free hand slipped into a pocket to wrap the fingers around the object inside. From something so small it felt heavy.

"I understand that you have a lot to handle, but do you believe that you can handle yet another matter?" Legolas inquired.

Her head lifted to give him a quizzical look. "Do you need our assistance in some way? Have the giant spiders returned?"

His head shook. "No. We are certain that they are forever eradicated from the Greenwood. This is something more personal."

Movement drew her eyes down. Between his fingers was a jade bead. A highly valued gem among the Dwarves. One used in courtships. Her eyes widened, before meeting his gaze once more. The Elf smiled from the princess's reaction.

"You're certain?" she whispered.

"I wouldn't be asking you this question if I wasn't."

He held her hand even tighter.

"I do not need a kingdom to rule. Lineage no longer matters to me. And I do not wish to leave Middle-earth if you are not there by my side. I ask that you will still be with me, even if our kin do not approve of this union. Whether we sit on a throne together or grow old merely as subjects to a new rule. All I want at the end of each and every day is you. I wish to live out the rest of my life with you."

A wide grin spread across her lips. "You took the words right out of my mouth. I accept your proposal."

She kissed him. With enough force to make them fall backwards off the bench into the grass in a bit of a tangle. Yet that didn't matter.

"I know we should go and announce this to Dáin, but I can't stop kissing you right now," Linnéa said. She felt so happy.

"He's already aware," the prince reassured. "How do you think I managed to come in possession of this bead? I asked him for your hand."

The Elf pecked at her lips.

"Which means, you can still keep kissing me if that's what you desire."

The princess laughed, taking his head between both hands to do just that.

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