Chapter 46

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"Galan, look!" Rowen exclaimed.

The little girl sat up front of the wagon, Gimli handling the reins beside her. A noise in the back gave way to the child's movement. The tarp was pulled back for his head to poke out of.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed.

The grand Elven home of Rivendell loomed in the heart of the valley when they came over the ridge. Linnéa rode Dwyer at the front, it being Legolas's turn to stay in the wagon to take care of the barins. Her eyes observed their surroundings. So odd. To see the household this vacant. The only ones who remained were the last to leave for the ships. Or those who wished to stay and continue to make Rivendell their home. Though it'd never be the same.

A familiar face waited for the company at the main archway.

"Hello, Lindir!" Linnéa called ahead.

"Welcome, Queen Linnéa," the Elf greeted. "I trust your travels were a smooth one?"

"If you count one failed raid by three mercenaries, then yes, it was a smooth one."

He grew alarmed to hear this information. "Were any of you injured?"

"No. Our guards were on them so quickly that Legolas and I didn't have a chance to engage."

"As if we'd give them the opportunity," Gimli pointed out.

Legolas exited the wagon to greet Lindir.

"I didn't expect you to still be here," the king stated. "Where is Lord Elrond?"

"Lord Elrond has gone ahead to make the final arrangements," Lindir said. "We will see him at the harbor."

"And when do we leave?"

"In the morning. Get some rest, clean up, and we will have dinner for all of you later."

"There better be meat," a Dwarf grumbled.

The company dismounted from their horses and ponies. Attendants flocked the group to take them away, while servants approached to help unload for the overnight stay.

"There is someone here that I think you'll want to see," Lindir said. "Who'll be joining us on our way to the harbor."

"Who?" Linnéa questioned.

The Elf smiled. "Bilbo's waiting for you on the balcony overlooking the main courtyard."

Shock filled the queen at the name before it turned to happiness. "Bilbo is still here?"

"Yes. And the Lords and Ladies of the Woodland realms have offered him passage to the lands beyond Middle-earth. To live out the rest of his days."

"That is a high honor," Legolas pointed out.

"He's earned it. For his selfless deeds throughout Middle-earth in his lifetime. I'm certain the same invitation would have been extended to you too, Queen Linnéa, if you chose to leave."

"I may have taken up that offer if I didn't have attachments here," she answered.

The family left for their quarters. Linnéa moved along quickly, unable to contain her excitement from the fact Bilbo was still in Rivendell. Legolas noticed. Which is why when the queen went to help Rowen change, he stepped in.

"Go on," he said.

"What?" Linnéa asked.

"Go on ahead. I can take care of Rowen and Galan just fine."

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