Chapter 39

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A low murmur came through the side hall that led into the throne room. Linnéa stood in the shadows in an attempt to further collect herself. King Dáin and her were in complete agreement. An announcement had to be made. Legolas wished to stand by her side when it happened, but the two convinced the prince to return home as planned. It was probably for the best that the Elf didn't present himself in case a riot ensued at the news. Linnéa looked towards the empty seat for the king.

"Are yah ready?" King Dáin questioned. The Dwarf came up behind the princess.

"I'm nervous," she answered honestly.

"If I were yah, I'd be too."

For the first time since Legolas's proposal, she wore the jade bead within the braids of the hair. The design even changed a bit to not only show off her household, but show her new position alongside the prince.

"It's now or never, Linnéa."

Taking a deep breath, the two entered the room. Guards stood at the bottom of the dais, the members of the Council taking their position in the front line of the crowd that gathered to listen to the announcement. They quieted down, but grew surprised when realizing that their king wouldn't be speaking with them today. He sat on the throne, Linnéa standing a few steps ahead of him.

"King Dáin and I appreciate all of you for being here today," Linnéa spoke. "Took time out of your busy lives. The Council has been in constant discussions with us that the time has come. On Durin's Day in nine months time, King Dáin will step down from the throne and I will assume the role as your queen."

There were murmurs all around. Filled with sadness at the loss of their ruler after all these years, yet excited at the fact Linnéa would finally take the throne.

"And as your soon to be queen, there have been events that have not gone unnoticed by myself or those on the Council."

The crowd died down to listen to what she had to say.

"The Age of the Elves is over. Many have already left for the Gray Havens. And those that stay wish to live out the rest of their days as a mortal for the magic in these lands will fade in time."

Many didn't seem to be worried or concerned by these events.

"It has come to my attention that we may suffer the same fate as well, should we not enter the next age with this in mind."

None liked those words, and listened intently to what she had to say.

"Divided and alone, we will not survive long after the Elves. We cannot remain in the shadows of the Mountain or risk fading from existence. And I for one will not allow that to come to pass. The alliances my mother and I have secured for us in these last few decades are essential to our survival moving forward. Those with Men, Dwarves, and Elves alike. Whoever is left of the Elves, whoever remains behind after the last boat leaves for the Grey Havens, we must find a way to live in harmony. Instead of entering this new age still filled with resentment and grudges that were carried from issues long passed. It has been proven that two races can live in harmony. Dale and Erebor have returned to their former glory once more. We have put aside our differences that transpired nearly a century ago.

"Some of us may remember why certain races have conflict, others were too young to know and only heard the stories. There are grudges that cannot be forgotten by some, and for that, you have my understanding. But I ask that you find it in your heart to put your quarrel behind you for the world is changing as we speak. Those that have wronged you have probably already left Middle-earth so what is the point of this resentment?"

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