Chapter 19

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Morning in Gondor was a hectic one. Soldiers rushed about pulling on their armor, strapping their weapons in place, and saddling their horses to prepare for their final battle. Families wished their loved one's luck and farewell, for there was no telling if they would return. And the procession that lined the sides of the streets for them to travel through had Linnéa's heart going out towards those from Gondor. Given the amount of blows they had been dealt in these last few weeks. Even those from Rohan, who were far from home and had not seen their families for some time. It made her think of Erebor and hoped they were still holding strong with the growing darkness.

Walking through the gates, none looked behind them as Gondor grew smaller. Their path ahead was a long open stretch that still showed remnants of their battle a week ago. But none paid mind to it. Their sights were set on the darkened clouds that surrounded the land of Mordor. The flames of Mount Doom reflected off the sky and a great shadow was cast over them the closer they grew. Linnéa's heart pounded in her chest, keeping an eye out for a sneak attack from the growing mountain range around them. But no one was there to meet them. Aragorn looked at the princess and the two shared their unease.

"It's too quiet," she muttered.

He couldn't agree more.

"Legolas?" he spoke lowly to the prince on her other side.

"There's nothing out here," the Elf stated.

Even if they were hiding, he could pick out anything amiss the further they went. The sky was even vacant of the Ringwraiths.

Eventually, the Black Gates came into sight as they rounded the final bend. The grass had completely gone by then, the earth gray with dust and ash that kicked up under the hooves of the horses. Falling into place they formed four lines in the space facing the oddly closed gates. Aragorn stood at the front, eyes scanning the ominous metal structure. As the minutes ticked by nothing happened. There wasn't a sound coming from the gates and it didn't appear as though there were guards at the top. The whole situation struck them as odd while they waited.

"Where are they?" Pippin wondered.

Aragorn wasn't sure, nudging his steed forward along with Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Linnéa, and Éomer. Pippin and Merry had no choice but to join them, riding on the back of their horses. Even a banner man rode alongside them holding a flag that sported the Gondor sigil on the face. They stopped halfway across the empty stretch, in case an archer decided to try and spring a sneak attack on them. Legolas's eyes were honed in on the top of the gate to be sure that did not happen.

"Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth!" Aragorn shouted. "Let justice be done upon him!"

Finally, there was a noise from behind the gate as the mechanisms creaked and groaned before giving way. One of the doors began to open slowly, revealing an armor-clad horse walking forward with its rider. The creature perched on top wore a helmet that covered the entirety of his face, excluding the mouth. Not that it was much of an improvement to look at. Linnéa was appalled by the sight of the unhealthy looking raw, pink skin that possessed cracks in the grooves around his mouth. There was blood dripping from the split areas on the lips, and the raw gums. He grinned maliciously with its yellow-brown stained sharp teeth.

"My master, Sauron the Great, bids thee welcome," the creature greeted.

But his deep voice came as no comfort. He continued to smile in a terrible way. It caused Aragorn to grimace at the sight.

"Is there any in this rout with authority to treat with me?"

"We do not wish to treat with Sauron, faithless and accursed," Gandalf stated.

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