Chapter 13

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The battlefield lay littered with bodies from both sides, but those still standing fought hard. There were riders in the sky, swooping down with their Fellbeasts to rip through or throw horses and men high into the air. Only to then allow those still breathing to fall to their deaths. On the ground, the army of Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, and Wargs attacked the forces from Rohan. But they weren't alone. The Haradrim made their presence known. Riders that sat perched atop massive oliphaunts bearing tribal markings similar to their masters. Large wooden and cloth structures were strapped to their backs, allowing archers at the top to have a perch. They shot towards the forces on the ground, able to pick them off one by one. It was hard to reach them as soldiers dodged the massive feet of the mammals that threatened to crush them. There were also weapons wrapped around the bottom of the oliphaunts' tusks that aided in the killing of riders. The spikes caught up and ripped through armor and flesh of men and beasts alike.

All had their hands full. Linnéa slammed the butt of her ax against the forehead of a helmetless Orc, knocking it to the ground dazed. She then swung it backwards and caught the side of another to rip it open. Then to finish the job, the princess sliced open the neck of the creature at her feet. An arrow whizzed past her head. One she recognized instantly. Turning on a heel she shot a look at the Elf before throwing one of the axes through the air and killing an Orc coming up on his side, shouting,


She rushed forward to jerk it out of the skull and attacked another.

Not to be outdone, the prince notched another arrow and fired rapidly. "Fifteen! Sixteen!" he counted aloud for himself.

"Seventeen!" Gimli exclaimed.

The Dwarf took out the legs of an Orc to bring it down to his height before smashing in its face with a sickening crunch. The four were gaining ground through the enemy forces, with Aragorn leading at the head. Though the company followed behind the army of the dead. They could not move as swiftly, but made sure to kill off those missed in the onslaught who attempted to fight back or run away. Boot slamming into the chest of a Goblin, Linnéa stomped the creature into the ground before piercing the armor with a fatal blow. A snarl made her duck when a Warg lunged overhead. Glaring at the beast, the princess twirled an ax in hand ready to kill it. When Gimli came out of nowhere and took care of it himself.

"Twenty-five!" he boasted.

"Thirty-two!" Linnéa pointed out, with a smirk.

The Dwarf sputtered for a moment at the number before giving a war cry and rushing off once more.

Legolas's arrows buried deep into every enemy that crossed him. All the while keeping an eye on his companions. Namely Linnéa, though the princess was more than capable of fending for herself with the way she cut down and ripped through the enemy. It still amazed him just how ferocious their female companion could be. She flipped an Orc over a shoulder causing it to fall to the ground harshly.

"Your right, Aragorn!" she shouted.

For she was preoccupied with four Goblins, who suddenly thought it would be a good idea to rush her at once. They were quickly proven to have made a mistake. A heavily disfigured, pale looking Orc stumbled forward feet from them with murderous intent. Though it didn't seem they were the target. It was chasing something else as the Ranger cut off the creature's arm. It howled in pain and fell to a knee. Gimli quickly followed with his own attack, digging the sharp edge of his weapon into the Orc's gut before ripping it out to cut up towards its neck. The creature fell dead, face first to the ground.

Linnéa moved a few paces behind when noticing that among the dead bodies someone struggled to drag themselves across the ground. It was obvious they were injured. The princess rushed closer, clasping the soldier's shoulder and causing them to jump in fright. Their head whirled on her, eyes wide in a panic. The two couldn't help but look at each other in surprise.

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