Chapter 47

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The next morning brought more surprises. The company prepared their wagon and horses alongside the Rivendell Elves. Linnéa rearranged the back of the pony drawn carriage to accommodate Bilbo and make his travels comfortable along with the twins. A few minutes before they were about to depart another individual arrived.

"I trust you have room for one more," a voice spoke up.

The king and queen's heads turn, grins spreading across their features.

"Gandalf," Linnéa said.

The two embraced in a hug.

"It is wonderful to see you, my dear," he said.

"We are happy to have you," Legolas said.

They clasped hands to shake.

"And hello, what do we have here?"

The heads of the twins poked out from the flaps of the covered wagon, only to disappear in a fit of giggles. He chuckled in response.

"My, they have grown," Gandalf commented.

"They may be a bit shy at first, but if you share a story or two or show off your fireworks, they will warm up in no time," Linnéa said.

"Well, luckily I have a few sparklers up my sleeves."

The Wizard made his way around to the front bench where Gimli sat.

"Gandalf," the warrior greeted. "I didn't expect you to join us."

"I had some unfinished business. Do you mind if I take the reins, Master Dwarf?"

"Be my guest."

Gimli slid off to mount one of the extra ponies.

"We will cut through the Shire," Gandalf said. "There are four individuals who will join our company to the harbor."

It made sense. For Frodo to wish to see off Bilbo, and for Merry, Pippin, and Sam to see off their friends one last time.

Linnéa rode close to the wagon, listening to Bilbo's tales through the tarp. Rowen and Galan were completely enamored. Especially when recounting Thorin's company and their fight against the Goblins of Goblin-town. He may have fallen into the cavern, came face to face with Gollum and in turn gained possession of the Ring, but Poppy informed him of the chase. The standoff against their horrid king. How they fought their way to the light. The twins didn't interrupt. A few gasps in surprise or worry were the only things to escape their lips. And at the end, they clapped and babbled on with excitement.

By mid-afternoon, the Hobbit drifted off to take a nap. Galan's head poked out from the tarp to look up at the Wizard, smoking a pipe.

"Hello there," the older man greeted.

"You a Wizard?" the boy wondered.

"That I am." Galan climbed out to sit on the bench too. "Where's your sister?"

"Sleepin'. You do magic?"

"Yes, I do."

His eyes lit up in excitement. "Can I see?"

Gandalf pulled free a sparkler from the robe. He muttered something under his breath and then blew on the tip. It lit a second later, Galan staring in awe.

"Go ahead, you can take it," the older man said.

His small hand took the item and waved it around excitedly. "Momma, look!"

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