Chapter 4

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The evening finally began to wind down in the early hours of the morning. Soldiers stumbled out of the hall back to their homes in drunken states as those that lived within the household retired to their rooms. A few tripped over their feet or used each other as supports with arms slung over shoulders. Linnéa wasn't entirely sure how the servants were still awake and functioning after they served all the guests. But they were the few left in the room cleaning everything away and rearranging the tables so it appeared more presentable when everyone eventually woke. Among the clean up Gimli still lay sleeping. Éomer stood beside the princess with crossed arms as they stared down at the Dwarf.

"Is waking him even possible?" the Horse-lord questioned.

"We can give him a few nudges to the side," she answered. "And if that doesn't work, helping him sit up may rouse him a bit to a point where we can guide him to his sleeping quarters."

When the nudges with her boot didn't work, they stood on either side of the warrior and crouched to take a shoulder in hand. Slipping the other under his back they heaved Gimli into an upright position. A startled snort escaped him, eyes rapidly blinking to try and see even though his vision faltered.

"You feeling alright, Gimli?" the princess wondered.

All that came out of his mouth were a string of jumbled words. The two chuckled at him.

"Let's get you to bed, shall we? Otherwise, the servants will sweep you up."

Getting Gimli to stand on his feet proved to be a bit difficult. He could barely walk, let alone keep his legs from wobbling. They supported almost all of his weight. It felt like forever before finally reaching the large room where the Fellowship and a few other soldiers were to sleep as well. Finding Gimli's roll out they laid the Dwarf down where he immediately fell back to sleep.

"That was easier than dealing with one of my men," Éomer stated.

"Then you should come to Erebor and help me with my kin after a feast," Linnéa said.

Grabbing a blanket she laid it over her comrade as the man smirked at the comment.

"I think I will take my chances here. I've heard of the wild parties the Dwarves throw. And I've seen the way the both of you drink. I'd be worried for myself."

Standing, Linnéa glanced around the room to see that the rest of the Fellowship had already turned in for the evening. In one corner, Gandalf lay on a bed with his eyes wide open. But he was completely asleep as the wrapped orb from Isengard sat tucked under his arm for safekeeping.

"Are you staying in Éowyn's room?" Éomer wondered.

"Yes, but I think I'm going to stroll around outside for a bit to get some air," Linnéa said.

He cocked a brow. "You're not going to get any rest after all of that? None of us have properly rested since returning from Helm's Deep."

"I slept for almost three days straight while in the stronghold."

"You drank a lot."

"It's wearing off. There's only a buzz now in my head." He still didn't seem convinced. "You worry too much Éomer, get some rest yourself. I'm not going far."

He watched the princess walk from the room. There was no arguing with her. He shrugged and turned in for the evening. He only hoped that he could sleep over Gimli's snores.

Linnéa stopped by Éowyn's room to grab the cloak she received from Lady Galadriel before moving outside. The night air felt cool as it rushed over any exposed skin from the light breeze in the air. What a wonderful relief against the slightly warm skin from the drinks the young woman had partaken in throughout the evening. The full moon overhead allowed her to see far off into the distance over the gates. The vast plains were completely empty, no lights coming from any home. Save the guard towers at each corner where small flames burn to keep the guards on duty warm.

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