Chapter 22

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Gondor flourished. With banners lining the streets, countless individuals came far and wide beyond the lands of the great city. There were nearly no traces of the battle, with the sun shining down on them and giving the stone structure of the city a white glow about it. The people were in good spirits, wearing their finest clothes and children sported flower crowns in their hair. There wasn't just the race of Men in the streets, but Elves as well. They came from Rivendell and Lothlórien. Even King Thranduil sent Elves from the Greenwood as Legolas greeted them at the entrance to the city.

Linnéa heard the crowd from her room, the balcony doors open allowing the soft breeze to filter through. She stood in front of the mirror looking over the armor she wore. She cleaned it so hard it almost looked brand new... in places. Like her axes this equipment had been with her through a lot. It had character as she shifted the breastplate to have it sit in place better. The pain lessened considerably but the heaviness of the item made it a bit uncomfortable. But she could bear it. Today was an important day and she needed to represent Erebor. The house sigil sat in the center of the armor, her braids intricately woven throughout the hair. An ax sat propped up against the wall that she borrowed from the armory. Set to wear it on her back like a proper Dwarven warrior. There was no helmet or crown or jewelry, but that was just the way she liked it.

A knock came to the door. She gathered the weapon and opened it to find Gimli waiting outside.

"Ready, milady?" he asked.

"As I will ever be," she said.

They made their way through the gathered crowd outside the noble household. Not all could fit on the top grounds which overlooked the city, but they still lined the streets below listening to the coronation of their soon to be king. Gandalf officiated, standing on the steps facing the crowd. Aragorn kneeled in front of him as the Wizard took the crown off the pillow it rested on and held it high for all to see. When it lowered, the item was bestowed upon the once Ranger as it came to sit atop circling the head in silvers and golds.

"Now come the days of the king," Gandalf spoke loud enough for all to hear. "May they be blessed."

Standing, Aragorn turned to address the massive gathering and all cheered. He finally accepted his birthright. To lead these people into a new age. He would be nothing like his father or the Steward that once sat on the throne. All who knew him believed he would be a great ruler. Even if there were still doubts in his mind. And looking out over the many people, Aragorn's hand raised to silence them allowing him to speak,

"This day does not belong to one man, but to all. Let us together rebuild this world that we may share in the days of peace."

All cheered once more as thousands of petals of flowers came floating down over the masses. To commemorate such a day he began to sing in Elvish. It was lovely. A tribute to his ancestors. It left the crowd speechless and all listened intently. Even Gimli could say nothing against its beauty. When it ended all were left with a sense of peace.

Aragorn moved from the steps to walk through the crowd. All bowed as he passed, and he nodded back in greeting. Faramir and Éowyn stood together along with Éomer and those from Rohan. Linnéa and Gimli just down the front line a few paces, who bowed their heads in recognition. Up the center strode those from the Greenwood with Legolas leading them. The king smiled as the two clasped each other's shoulders in a brotherly gesture. But the prince's attention did not stay long on the man, looking over a shoulder at the others behind him. The distracted glance confused Aragorn. He followed his gaze towards a banner that seemed to be hiding an individual in place. Just behind them, off to the side in plain view stood Lord Elrond with a content look on his features. The king couldn't help but hold his breath as the banner pulled away revealing who was in possession of it.

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