Chapter 20

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Both Hobbits were unconscious, whisked away to separate rooms. The healers set to work right away under Aragorn's order. They were covered in ash and dirt, sweat soaked clothing looking worse for wear. Both were malnourished from their time in the Wild, Frodo worse off than Sam, and the Baggins' had blisters and broken skin around his neck where the metal chain holding the ring once hung. He was even missing half of a ring finger, the bloody stump receiving the most attention first due to the severity of the removal. Sam would live, but Frodo remained questionable due to his condition. Still, they were found and there was a shred of hope. Which was more than they could have ever hoped for. Gandalf stayed by their sides to watch over them diligently.

Meanwhile, Linnéa's chest bruised considerably from the Troll's blow. Even a section of jaw and cheek swelled up and discolored, continuing to the nose in a way she wouldn't be able to breathe properly through it in the coming days. The lower lip that split down the middle proved to be a challenge when speaking. But she refused to not be heard when there were others around speaking their minds and opinions regarding Middle-earth with Saruon defeated. The few times Linnéa did struggle to speak and could not gain one's attention she threw something across the room at them. Thankfully, those items were usually pillows or a balled up towel, but a few times a book or boot would meet their backs.

The healers forced her to remain in bed until the pain in the chest went away. Linnéa couldn't bend over or reach high and sitting up proved to be a great challenge by herself. Of course, Gimli was never far away to offer assistance. And when in need of something to drink or eat, he rushed off to find it. But he started turning into a mother hen and the princess kept reassuring that every wince or sharp intake of breath did not need the immediate attention of the healers. For how stubborn and hardheaded Dwarves were for accepting help, Gimli acted the opposite.

Which was where Legolas found them nearly a week later. He came by with a fresh pitcher of water to see the Dwarf moving about the room to be sure the princess was comfortable and everything was accounted for. But his movements were beginning to annoy her. It appeared she just wanted some peace and quiet, a quill, ink jar, and blank parchment sitting on the side tables. Linnéa had been saying for some time she wished to send a letter to King Dáin once she received a moment alone to go over her thoughts. But Gimli did not give her that since returning from Mordor.

"If you keep fussing over her, she will throw you out the window," Legolas warned with a smirk on the other side of the room.

Gimli huffed at the Elf in annoyance, but his comment made Linnéa struggle not to smirk while lying on the bed. Despite the lack of expression to prevent from reopening the lip, the prince knew the comment amused her. While the skin would mend, there would be a permanent scar that was already forming. A dark red, upside-down triangle traveled from the lip seam and down to a slightly jagged point where it met the skin of the chin.

"Why is he still hanging around," the Dwarf grumbled.

"Behave, Gimli," she said.

"Didn't Aragorn wish to speak with you nearly an hour ago?" the prince spoke up.

Gimli's eyes flickered at the sudden memory.

"You're running late."

The Dwarf left swiftly and finally, Linnéa was given some relief. "Thank you," she spoke gratefully. "What is it that Aragorn needed to discuss with him?"

"Something unimportant," he answered truthfully. "But it will take him a few hours to track him down."

Her eyes lit up in excitement upon hearing that. Legolas poured a glass of water before setting down the pitcher. He took up the empty chair beside the bed.

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