Chapter 23

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Her hand stroked the cheek of her stallion as it breathed out heavily. Its eyes closed with a low neigh. Linnéa smiled, kissing the animal's nose.

"I don't need a horse," Gimli grumbled off to the side.

The princess smirked at her friend's protests. He wasn't getting a horse though, but a pony. The Dwarf protested that he would walk, but it was a long way to Erebor. And they wished to return home as soon as possible. Walking would only slow them down.

"Linnéa's orders," Éomer pointed out. "You will need to take it up with her."

The warrior's eyes flickered in her direction and noticed the look she gave him. The princess would not budge from this matter as he grumbled under his breath further amusing the man. Leaving Gimli to get acquainted with his pony, the Horse-lord approached to be sure that everything was in order on the horse's back.

"This is one of my most loyal stallions that I raised in Edoras," the man said. "Its rider would be honored that you will be its new owner."

"I am honored that you would allow me to have such a prized animal," Linnéa said.

The stables were busy as those still in Gondor prepared to depart. Those from Rohan planned on leaving now that Éowyn was finally well enough to travel. She already delayed their departure to discuss an alliance with Linnéa, and to spend more time with Faramir. But it was time to return home. Linnéa spent her time wisely with Frodo, talking with her kin about the Shire and Edoras. They listened to each other's adventures and childhood they missed out on due to their distance. Bilbo became a great father figure to the Hobbit over the years and instilled that sense of exploring. Even if it mainly came through stories and books before Gandalf sent him on the path to Rivendell. The Hobbits left the day before and she felt sad to see the group leave. The Wizard was in their company and they watched them ride off early that morning. They promised to write to each other once returning home. She offered to house any of them should they decide to come to Erebor.

During the remaining time in Gondor the princess found herself in the company of Legolas or Éomer. Though Gimli acted more hesitant to leave her alone with the Elf when the two of them were together. He was more than willing to give the Horse-lord time alone with her. It amused her. Éomer was a good man, and the Council in Erebor would approve if she accepted his courting. But her eyes and intrigue were on the Woodland Prince. Linnéa couldn't help it.

"Are you certain the both of you do not need an escort?" Éomer spoke up.

She smiled kindly at the generosity. "We will manage, but I appreciate the offer," the princess said. "You and your men have been away from home for far too long."

True, but there could still be creatures from Mordor, even some human allies, lurking out there and didn't want to take any chances. Though both could handle themselves he would at least have some peace of mind. She laid a reassuring hand on his arm before he could protest further.

"Go home, Éomer. Before I force Éowyn to order you to."

"Very well," he finally relented with a chuckle. "Take care of yourself."

"And you as well."

Leading the stallion outside the stables, she hoisted herself into the saddle to view the street from the higher vantage point. Rohan soldiers filled the courtyard further away as Aragorn bid them all farewell, alongside Faramir and Arwen. They shared a few words before the now queen went to address her men when their eyes met. With a smile and nod towards each other in farewell, the Horse-lords rode through the streets and out the gates a level below.

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