Chapter 32

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"Our guest has arrived."

"She came from Erebor."

"A Dwarf in the Greenwood?"

"I heard she's a princess."

"From the line of Durin?"

"Apparently, she faced down Sauron's forces in Mordor."

"With the King of Gondor and Prince Legolas?"

"I've heard that she is a formidable opponent."

"They say she's a skilled blacksmith."

"Some have said that she is allies with all manner of people and creatures."

"Men. Elves. Hobbits. Half-breeds. Skin-changers. Wizards."

"That is not a typical characteristic of a Dwarf."

"Have you seen her?"

"She doesn't look like a Dwarf."


"I've heard tales of the Greenwood from my kin when it used to be known as Mirkwood," Linnéa commented. "And you are right. It's very different from the picture they painted."

"I've only shown you a fraction of it," Legolas pointed out. "There's much more to be seen."

"Which is why I am staying for a lengthy bit of time." They walked through the halls to the private dining hall to join King Thranduil for supper. "Is it possible to participate with your guard on a scouting of the forest?"

"You want to hunt spiders?" Legolas wondered.

"I know they are few and far between as of recent, but you know me. I enjoy a good hunt."

The prince chuckled with a smile. "I know all too well. I'm certain that it will not be a problem. I am supposed to lead a group in two days out into the forest."

Turning into the hall, the king walked towards the head of the long table and turned at their entrance.

"You're on time," King Thranduil almost sounded surprised.

Linnéa cocked a brow, "Should we have arrived later?"

"I've never known a Dwarf to arrive in a timely manner."

"Well, then that may be the Hobbit in me. Uncle Bilbo always taught me to be on time. It's good manners."

"Bilbo Baggins?"

The three took their seats.

"The very one."

"Is he still alive?"

"Yes. Over a hundred years old now. He lives in Rivendell with Lord Elrond."

"That is an extraordinarily long life for a Hobbit."

"Then I guess I am luckier than most to still have him with me. My mother used to take me to his home in Bag End whenever we traveled to the Blue Mountains."

"Poppy Baggins?"

The princess nodded.

"I heard tales that she had passed on," the king said.

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