Chapter 24

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The halls were filled with boisterous laughter, clinking mugs, cheers, and music. Those from Erebor and Dale mingled amongst one another in celebration at the return of their kin. First came the feast that filled their plates with different meats and produce. King Dáin then gave a speech to the Great Hall about the victory that had taken place further South. Though the enemy was gone all would need to remain vigilant if any darkness remained since the fall of Sauron. And with a collective cheer honoring those lost during the dark times the crowd drank from their goblets in silence.

That was when the full celebration broke out. With full bellies warriors threw themselves into drinking games trying to outdo the other. Those from Dale attempted to keep up, though it was useless. One of the rounds Linnéa took part in. Head tipping back the ale slid down her throat with a slight burn before slamming the goblet down on the tablet top. Her body tingled from the amount already drunk. It was definitely greater than the celebrations at Edoras. Her cheeks were tinted pink from the effect as she grinned across the tablet ridden with empty mugs. Dwalin smirked back and gave a loud laugh.

"Bring us another!" he shouted.

The older Dwarf had not lost his sense of joining in alongside those much younger than himself. His once brown hair turned white over the years, but still acted like he was nearly four decades younger. Which was why three Dwarves managed to drink themselves under the table leaving them the last ones standing. Gimli snored at Linnéa's feet, though it was drowned out by those that gathered around. Many were placing bets as to who would be victorious. With the princess not being a full-blooded Dwarf, many believed she couldn't keep up with her kin, much like her mother, who was never one to over indulge. But when their heir became old enough to join them, she surprised many when matching those used to succeeding. It amused Poppy greatly to watch her daughter out drink generals and other warriors. While they passed out where they sat, Linnéa stayed conscious as congratulations went around.

Four more mugs were set down in front of Dwalin and Linnéa. Reaching for a new one it was consumed easily. A large belch escaped the warrior's lips causing a few Dwarves to tease him that this was the beginning of the end. The comments were waved off when the second ale was finished off.

"Glad to see yah have not lost yer touch, lass!" Dwalin smirked.

"And you're not bad for an old Dwarf," she teased back.

Those around her laughed. More drinks were brought to the table. It only took fifteen more minutes for the Dwarf's head to pitch forward to rest against the table top. With a loud snore there was merriment from those that won the bets, and grumbles from those that handed over their coin. A few patted the princess on the back in congratulations before she stood. The room around her swayed for a bit, which wasn't surprising and took a moment for things to settle. Leaving the table and sleeping Dwarves behind, Linnéa moved through the crowd into a corridor.

All the noise began to slowly fade away in the background. With a sigh, she stretched her arms high overhead and released a yawn. The journey had been tiring, and though she slept most of the day after walking through the gates some exhaustion still lingered. Sleep was not an option quite yet. She needed to make another appearance in the Great Hall before even thinking about retiring for the night was still young. The princess just needed a moment to herself and decided to wander the halls. There were a few guards on duty patrolling in case there were any stragglers from the party that grew lost. They bowed their heads in greeting as they passed.

Finally, Linnéa came to the place she searched for. The haven her mother wished to build before her death. Linnéa built a garden of sorts in her mother's honor into the mountainside where one could retreat to for some silence. Walking through the foliage it was just as she remembered, smelling the floral. Though turning a corner she paused realizing that she wasn't the only one present.

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