The Save

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"I like you!!" Gogo said.



She likes me too.......

I smiled and hugged her. After that, I kissed her....on the lips... I didn't realize that I put it on her...lips..... She looked....shocked...and after that....crying???

Oh no....Did I made her cry because......No

Don't go Gogo!!


"I'm really really sorry!!!"

I saw her slip on the edge of the bridge...

She fell!!!!

I dived into the river and looked for her...

Oh no.


As I put her down....

I can't feel her heartbeat...


Don't ,Gogo..

Don't go yet.

I stared at her eyelashes and down to her lips.

Would this......

Save her??



But Try? Maybe?

I hugged her tightly and cupped her chin. I closed my eyes......

And planted my lips on hers....

Please Gogo.

Not today...

Just then I was shocked when I felt her eyes open...

Oh no.

I am busted.


I opened my eyes....Gogo...This isn't the end yet... But as I went back in sight....The first thing I saw was......


And he was so close... I mean so so close.....

And I looked down.....









What just happened?!?!?!?!


I sense.....shock??? Yes..definitely. I should teleport to the river. I got a ball and activated it to the bridge.


Oh my goshy wow. What the hey!!!!!! I mean what the hey!!!! I can't look...I cannot really look!!!!!

Gogo is!!!! With him!!!! And they're-----


I went near and realized, Gogo even didn't want what was happening around here.

"Hiro!!!! What just happened!!!"

Hiro seemed shocked and put Gogo up.

"I--Uhm--I--Just---I tried to save her..." he replied.

"What is wrong with you???"

"Lemon Squeeze, stop. Please." Gogo pulled my hand.

"Do you even know what just happened here?!?!" I said to Gogo, concerned.

"No! I don't know... Last time I remembered was me slipping off the bridge.."

"But-- Sorry Gogo, I didn't mean it. I--Ugh! It was an accident! I tried to save you..Please"

"But do you even think...That you can save me with that?" Gogo said and walked out. She seemed she had distrust on her face.

"No...Gogo, Please!!" Hiro shouted, disappointed.

But no matter how Hiro strived to get her back, Gogo just walked and walked.

Rain started...And Gogo ran towards her house.

"Gogo! Wait!" I shouted. But before that, I got a disappointed look for Hiro.

Just look what have you done, Hiro.

I ran after Gogo...But she disappeared out of my sight...

Please, Gogo...


She actually walked away......

What have I done!!!!! You helpless monster!!! I shouldn't have done all of this!!!!

But...I know her... She is supposed to be the one who gets along with boys and never wants a single hangout with girls...

But did I change her??




It can't be....

Plus, I did that to her

I'm still 14 okay...

And I'm doing this?!?!?!!

How embarrasing!!!

If Aunt Cass knew that....Then...I'd be totally grounded!! For a month...It's possible to be a year!!!

What have been entering my mind!!!

Baymax went in and I just covered myself with blanket...... But no. I shouldn't. I should probably talk to Baymax.

"Hello Hiro."

"Hi Baymax."

"How was today?"

I felt like crying. Like I was the one hurt. Like she was the one who hurt me. Baymax went nearer and got into my bed.

"Do you need a hug?"

"Yes. Please."

"You will be alright."

"Ya think?"

"There. There."

I smiled at the balloon.. He always comforts me everytime I get worried, nervous, sad...

"Baymax? How about her? Do you think she will be alright?"

"Yes. And all my calculations tell it. She was just a little distress. That's the way science tells it."

"Oh Baymax." I smirked.

"I must power off. Good night Hiro"

"Night, buddy."

I smiled. He and I got along again. You know, cuz I shouted at him last time??? Oh forget it. What's just important is that we always get along...

In Love With My Best Friend: A Big Hero 6 Fanfic (HiroGo)Where stories live. Discover now