Happy New Year

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It was 8:00 in the afternoon and they were getting ready for the new year to come.

"OMG, don't peek!" Honey Lemon grabbed her gift for Fred.

"But I want to know!" Fred pouted. "Ooh, GoGo how about you? Where's your gift for me?"

"Not until it turns 12 o' clock," GoGo responded.

"Ahhh, but I still want to know!" Fred said.

"C'mon kiddos! It's special dinner tonight! You know, hot wings!" Aunt Cass exclaimed, cooking the wings.

"With a blue lemonade...thingy," Abigail added, mixing her beverage.

"Hey, buddy, let's wrap these gifts," Hiro said.

"The tape is all over me," Baymax replied. Hiro facepalmed and helped Baymax with the tape tangled all over him.

"Look, guys! It's sushi! I brought sushi! And I---Aww men! Now I spilled wasabi on my shirt for the second time! Gross!" Wasabi exclaimed.

They all laughed and exchanged glances.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's eat!" Aunt Cass stated.

"Yes!" The rest said in unison.

They had good talk, and also, Abigail finally had the chance to know what it feels like to have a group of friends, and more like....A family.

"So, Abigail..How's your dad?" Aunt Cass asked.

"He's fine. I visited him before I went in this place. Ohh, and he wanted to say sorry for the incident that happened to all of you. I hope you understand my father," Abigail replied.

"That's fine, sweetie, he did all of that for you. Just---In a violent manner," Aunt Cass excused.

"Want pick-up lines?" Hiro asked.

"Sure...Oohhh---Me first!" Honey Lemon replied, raising her hand.

"GoGo, this is for you! What branch of science is in between us?" she started.

"I don't know.....Why?" GoGo responded.

"Because I think there's a lot of CHEMISTRY between us!" Honey Lemon smiled widely, until she realized no one gets it.

"Ha-ha-ha," Baymax started.

*cricket sound*

"Are we supposed to laugh?" Baymax asked.

"Never mind," Honey Lemon pouted.

"Don't pout little baby boo!" Fred exclaimed.

"Hmph," Honey Lemon murmured.

"My turn. Okay, GoGo, are you tired?" Hiro started.

"No," GoGo smirked.

"Ask why," Wasabi whispered. GoGo sushed him.

"How bout you? Are you tired?" GoGo asked.

"It's not supposed to be like that!" the rest said in unison. GoGo sushed them all.

"No, why do you ask?" Hiro asked.

"Because you're always running around my mind," GoGo answered.

All of them teased the two and started laughing.

Aunt Cass clapped her hands and hugged Hiro. "Oh, I'm so proud of you!" she exclaimed.

"Two lovebirds?" Abigail asked.

"Mm-hm," Fred replied.

"So that's why GoGo was so mad about me," Abigail understood.

"Spell..L-O-L!!" Honey Lemon laughed.

"It's getting late. You should get some sleep to prevent sickness," Baymax stated.

"Thanks, Baymax, I'm satisfied with my care. Okay, everyone let's get some sleep!" Hiro said.

They all slept for the night and waited for their alarms to buzz.

*buzz* *buzz*

"Omigosh, it's new year!!" Honey Lemon exclaimed.

"In about, ya know, 10 minutes!!" she added, taking a picture of the group.

"Everybody say--Oh, GoGo's awake!! C'mon, GoGo let's groufie!" Honey Lemon called.

GoGo went to the group and sat beside Hiro.

"Everybody say New Year!!" Honey Lemon exclaimed

"New Year!" they all said in unison.

"It's gonna be a very new New Year, buddies," Hiro said.

"Let there be light!" Fred exclaimed, checking out the firecracker.

It was a lovely picture, then they all glared at Fred.

"What? We have more!" he took out a dozen more firecrackers.

"I can't wait to open up the presents!!" Aunt Cass jumped proudly.

"And also the fireworks," GoGo added.

"Well, look! 5 more minutes and that's that!" Aunt Cass said, hugging all of them.

"We should stay close to each other!" Honey Lemon requested.

"And when it turns to zero, that's when we open our presents in unison," Abigail requested.

"Cool idea," Hiro said.

A lot of people were making noises in the far away land, while the group, set with a table of blue lemonade and a pasta with hot wings outside the villa, they were so....quiet. Oh, the television is making noise though. They waited for the time to come.

"1 more minute, people of San Fransokyo!" the reporter on the TV show said, pointing out to the time.

"GoGo, come here beside me," Hiro said.

"Why?" GoGo asked.

"Just come," Hiro replied.

GoGo went between Baymax and Hiro.

"Where's my present?" Hiro asked.

"You'll know, how 'bout yours?" GoGo responded.

"You'll know, too, when it strikes midnight," Hiro responded.

"Omigosh! hurry! It's about to countdown!" Honey Lemon exclaimed.

They held onto their presents and counted with the television live show.








Hiro gazed at GoGo while GoGo was thinking about Hiro.


Here it comes, Hiro and GoGo thought.



At the count of zero, Hiro pulled GoGo's waist and GoGo pulled Hiro's collar. They realized that they gave each other the same gift-----A New Year Kiss.

"Happy New Year!"
Author's Greeting
Life may have been tough for the past year...or it may seem good for sometime...
But for whatever we've been through...
Still..let us be thankful..for we..surpass all the trials...
And now we are ready to face another year with high hopes and positive outlook in life...

Have a blissful New Year to all of us...
:D :D :)
~~~~Vanessa (iLoveCartoonTillEnd)

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