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"I love you, Hiro." I heard Gogo said.

I had been wide-eyed with that. Having an 18 year old love a little 14 year old botfighter that always gets the hang of it.

"Then I have deep regards for you as well." Hiro exclaimed.

Oh! My little college boy turning into a teenager! How cute! I once teased him badly for Gogo and I made him have bad vibes that time. ;)

That's me being me.

I heard footsteps coming closer. I slowly ran downstairs and checked on them.

"Hi kids!" I said. I know......they're teens but I still call them kids. Because if they're still young, it makes me young, too! :D

"Hi, Aunt Cass." They both replied.

"Oh! I just remembered! In honor to your bravery and courage for defeating Yokai and saving the whole town.... We're going on a vacation!!!" I excitedly told them.

Gogo blew her bubblegum and popped it. Hiro smiled.

"Let's go tell the others." Gogo pulled Hiro outside.

"I'll catch up. I just need to tell Baymax, too. We couldn't forget him, he's part of the team too." Hiro exclaimed.

"Awwww! You bad little boy! Come here you two!" I said as I rushed up to them and hugged them both.

"Now, you two get the others to get ready. I can't wait for vacation already!" I added and winked.

They both chuckled and went away.

These kids. I can't help it. I guess I still feel 'kiddy' around them. :D


Fred chased me aroumd the lab and I ran circled my whole system. Oof! Great. I fell by my heels again.

Fred rushed up to me. "Woah!You okay?" he asked, concerned.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine. Woah! Tough boy.... Thanks." I said as he carried me up, and I pretended I could take care of myself. I don't want him thinking I can't handle myself. :/

We held on the gaze for a moment and suddenly someone opened up the door.


Gogo went in. I waved at her.

"Hi Leiko!" I said.

"I told you to call her Go Go." Fred said.

"Fine." I sighed.

"Okay you lovebirds. Come on, pack up. We're going on a vacation." she said.

Wait, lovebirds?!?!?!?!

"We're not lovebir-"

Fred cut me off. "Woohooo! Six of us! That's pretty fantastic! Awesome! Cool! Astonishing! Bravo! And-"

"Yes, Fred I know. You know all those words already." Gogo exclaimed and rolled her eyes.

"And by the way, Aunt Cass is coming." she added.

"That'd be great! Bye guys! I'll pack up now." I said.

"Wait, where's Wasabi?" Gogo remembered.

"Fred's house." I replied.

"I'll just remind him." Fred said, going out of the lab.

"Bye, Gogo!" I waved and threw a ball to my house, as usual.


I saw all of them fully packed. They confusingly looked at me.

"Gogo honey, are you sure you're packed up already?" Aunt Cass asked me, seeing only one bag behind me.

In Love With My Best Friend: A Big Hero 6 Fanfic (HiroGo)Where stories live. Discover now