Learning How To Surf

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After the group had finished breakfast, they headed back to the cottage to change.

Aunt Cass was wearing one-piece bikini suit. Honey Lemon on a two-piece bikini, Fred wore shorts and still got his monster necklace on, Wasabi had a white t-shirt and his shorts on.

Hiro wore his eyeglasses, and Baymax tried on Aunt Cass' hat.

Gogo, she was different. She totally wore a suit for professional swimmers. It was a v-neck, and the zipper kept the suit in place.

"Woah." Hiro said. Fred nudged Hiro on the shoulder and he smirked.

"So! What ya waiting for! Let's swim!" Aunt Cass exclaimed and rushed up to the beach. Honey Lemon just sat on the shore, playing with the water. Fred swam at a far point, along with Wasabi. Baymax sun-bathed. Hiro pulled Gogo to the surfing area, but Gogo refused.

"Really?" Gogo asked.

"Let's just borrow some surfing board then take off." Hiro said, pulling Gogo.

"I think I'll come with Fred and Wasabi." Gogo refused, avoiding Hiro.

"Come on! Let's surf! While we have the chance. Look! The waves are looking good! We should grab our opportunity!" Hiro said.

Gogo gave up and admitted she didn't know how to surf.

Hiro gave her a smirk. "Don't worry. I can teach you how. It's just like dancing, you have to keep your balance. But this time, a little bit difficult." Hiro said and Gogo smiled.

They borrowed two surfboards and took off. Hiro attached the rope of his board to his leg and helped Gogo up.

"Lie down on the board while you are waiting for your target wave. When it's near, try to paddle. Then if your wave hit the spot, put your right leg up in front of you and maintain balance. You have to bend your knees. If you want to drive your surf, just try moving your leg anywhere you want to go." Hiro demonstrated.

"Wow. For a fourteen year old boy, you're pretty good!" Gogo smiled and waited for her wave.

"Tadashi and I used to race surf sometime." Hiro said. "Okay. There's my wave. Give me luck!" he added and took off after his wave. The wave was medium sized, about Hiro's height. Hiro paddled and drove off! He was doing good! He drove to the right, left, then towards the shore.

"Woooohooooo!!! Nice one Hiro!" Honey Lemon gave a thumbs up and waved to Gogo. "You can do it Gogo!" she added.

Gogo saw her wave. It was just the same as Hiro's. She took a deep breath and paddled. She tried to raise her right leg up. Nice! She raised her right leg up but suddenly she lost her balance. Splash!

"Nice one, Gogo! You're getting the hang of it." Wasabi convinced her.

"Hope me luck." Gogo said as she went back to the far side.

She lost her balance again, and again, and again. But she would not give up. She has to try to achieve this. She went back to the far side. She got a big, roaring wave. She took a deep breath. Nearer. Nearer. Then Go!

Gogo paddled and raised her right leg infront of her. She bent her knees and tried to keep balance.

Alas! She maintained balance! Now, she was driving her surfboard along the sea! She surfed over the wave, inside it, then finally, the wave calmed down.

"That was awesome!!!" Fred shouted. The other people in the resort applauded for Gogo.

"Go Gogo!" Honey Lemon cheered.

"That's my girl!" Aunt Cass happily clapped her hands.

"You surfed the whole sea back there!" Wasabi exclaimed.

"Nice one, Gogo." Hiro said, tapping Gogo's shoulders.

Gogo just smiled at her friends. It was a pretty good experience, she thought.

"On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your experience?" Baymax asked.

"Let's see. Hmmmm" Gogo thought for a while.

"Eleven." she responded.

"Nice!" Fred shouted.

"Now. How about for some surf racing? Surf stunts?" Hiro asked.

"That would be pretty fantastic." Gogo replied and they both took off of the sea.

Gogo never knew surfing would be a lot fun. She made stunts and dives, and even raced with Hiro. This was a great surfing experience.


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