There's Someone at the Door continuation

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Wattpad was a total bummer yesterday and published only half of my story. So here is the continuation. Blame wattpad. Lol

"How 'bout the leftovers?" Aunt Cass asked.

"I'll store them at the fridge," Abigail replied.

"Okay, but maybe sleepover tonight," Honey Lemon said. Just then, GoGo rembered something. "Fine, just don' truth or dare...again," she sighed. "We won't!" Honey Lemon smiled.

They set their sleeping bags at the living room and went in their PJ's. Honey Lemon had a cute comfy, pink, pajama with cat patterns. She even had a pink fluffy bonnet on top of her smooth hair. GoGo had loose PJ's, Hiro had his sleeping bag full of robots. Fred had a monster-designed blanket and his comic books laid beside him. Wasabi had a simple sleepover....and a clean one. Aunt Cass and Abigail shared a tent.

"Goodnight everyone!" Honey Lemon said. "Night," the rest responded.

Hiro couldn't sleep. He couldn't even think. He was scared. "GoGo?" he called. He poked GoGo's shoulders and she woke up. "Yes?" GoGo yawned. "I can't sleep," Hiro mumbled. "It's New Year and you can't sleep?" GoGo gagged. Hiro rolled his eyes. "No, I just...can't sleep. I feel there's something wrong. I feel...," he explained, "Like there's someone at the door."

"Hiro, no one is at the door, no one was at the door, and no one will ever be," GoGo comforted. "Thanks," Hiro thanked. "No problem," GoGo responded with a peck on his cheek. "Now, can you sleep?" GoGo asked.

"I think so?" Hiro said. GoGo chuckled. "Hey, nothing's going to happen. It's all going to be alright," GoGo patted Hiro's back.

"Thanks for the comfort....again," Hiro said.

"No problem. Goodnight, nerd," GoGo went back to sleep.

"Goodnight," Hiro said as he closed his eyes. There's no one at the door, Hiro thought.


It was a peaceful night at San Fransokyo. There was a car travelling somewhere down the streets away from the city. It was travelling to a province, more like a hidden forest.

Everyone was sleeping soundly. The crickets were making sound and the owl was flying through the night sky. But something disturbed the peaceful night inside the hidden forest. More of, someone. The frogs were croaking out of the ponds, even the fox came running away from his bush.

"Hiro. Hiro?" GoGo whispered. She was shaking the sleeping boy's body. "Hiro, there's someone at the door!" she added, scared.

Hiro rubbed his eyes and went to the right side of his sleeping bag to give the scared woman a hug. But he felt no one. He sat up and searched for GoGo.

"GoGo?" he called. She was nowhere to be found.

Outside the villa, a car was speeding away from a forest. Someone shouted Hiro's name. "Hiro!"

Hiro stood up and ran after the car. But he was too late. GoGo was gone.


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