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"Hey boss, I just brought in the package for the people." the delivery man told the manager. "Good. Now..Bring in these other deliveries." the manager ordered.

The boy was about to leave until he remembered something suspicious awhile ago. "Uhmmm, when I brought in the package of Hamada...he told me I was someone knew. You told me I live here since birth. Dad, tell me the truth. He seemed familiar to me myself." he asked suspiciously. "Uhhhhh....Later, son. He probably forgot you. I mean, it's not like he knows everyone from here, does he?" the manager replied. "Yeah....I guess so.." the man thought. He got short memory loss since he fell over a tower, according to the manager, or known as his dad. But since he brought the package to the Hamada residence, he felt a little bit weird to the world. Like he had known him for a long time.


"No. WAY." they all said in unison.

They never knew it was him. They stared at each other for a long time.

"No. It can't be him." Hiro said.

"Yeah...I mean he can't escape jail just like that." GoGo spoke up. She has a point, the others thought.

"And if it was him then the police headquarters shoud've put banners around the city saying he was wanted." Honey Lemon added, getting GoGo's point.

"But still he looks familiar." Fred said suspiciously.

"But it can't be him. His eyes are too young." Wasabi added.

They thought that the delivery man was Callaghan, and they tried to get the nearest clues to figure out who this guy really is.

The next Day...

GoGo made the first move. "Hey. Can you bring the D.M. here cuz i got an important package for him to deliver." she said on the phone. "Yes? Of course. This is the delivery man. Coming right ahead." the familiar voice replied. "Anything else?" he added. "Uhh..Uh..No." GoGo said. She thought his voice was very familiar from someone she was close to. She felt free to speak sarcastically unto that man. Like he was her best friend.

--After a few minutes--

*ding dong*

"Thank you for coming. See, same guy from Hamada residence huh? Okay. Good. Cuz this delivery is for Hiro. Hiro Hamada. Thanks." GoGo commanded, pretending not to be obvious of their plans.

(on Wasabi's house)

"I need the D.M. to come here please. I got something for him to deliver. Thank you." he said on the phone. A few minutes, the doorbell rang. Wasabo opened the door and saw the delivery man yesterday at Hiro's house. "Dude. Same guy from the Hamada residence?" he pretended. The guy nodded. "Nice. Well, I want you to deliver this to him too." he added. He did feel a little open to the guy. He felt something in him like confidence, like he wanted to boost off his skills to his friend. But yes, he already agreed. He is familar to him.

(at Honey's cupcake shop)

"Hi! (at Honey's cupcake shop)

"Hi! Ego ex cupcake tabernam volui interrogare partus hominem huc et sarcina mea erue!!!(I'm from the cupcake shop, and I wanted to ask the delivery man to come here, and deliver my package to my friend) Gratias tibi ago!!(Thank you) Bye!!" she said on the phone.

She was Latina after all, and she often spoke Latin on the phone. Gladly, the post office understands.

Few minutes later, the same man from Lucky Cat Cafè showed up at the front door of Honey Lemon's shop. "Si!! Your here!!! Come come. Here...Give this to Hiro at Lucky Cat Cafè..Thank you!!" she said sweetly. She had a weird feeling when she handed the money to the man. Like she was floating from heaven... Like she was....In love??? But sure, he does feel familiar to her.

"Yes. I'm bringing this there. Thanks for the exact change." the man said as he winked to Honey Lemon. "That...Voice..." she whispered, thinking.

(at Fred's house.)

"Hello? Master Frederick is ordering the D.M. to immediately come here and get the package for his friend." Heathcliff said on the phone. Then a ring on their 'mi casa' attracted Heathcliff. "No. Bro. I do it." Fred said, stopping Heathcliff. He saw the delivery man which they were spying on. "Dude! Bring this to ma friend, genius friend Hiro! And uhh..Tell him his orders need to be purchased like..Now. Thanks bro!" Fred exclaimed as he patted on the man's shoulders. Tapping his shoulders was a weird feeling. It was a feeling where you pat on someone's shoulders that you truly trust on...More like his BFF.


(Lucky Cat Cafè)

"Delivery. For H--Hiro Hamada." the delivery man chanted at the cafè's front door. "Hiro, honey.. Delivery for you dear." Aunt Cass told Hiro. Hiro went down and looked at the guy. "You again bro." he handed his hands for a shake. The stranger hesitated for a while and reached out for his hands, too. "Yep. Uhhh Here's your orders from...GoGo, Fred, Wasabi, Honey Lemon." he spoke. "Gee. Thanks. They sure got a lot to give huh?" he asked. "Yeah. So much. They're your friends anyway, and maybe you need that. Well, someone always wants to help someone." he replied. That phrase...That familiar phrase..."Y-yeah. Okay. Thanks. Bye." Hiro stuttered. "Thanks, honey. Hope you get along with ma little nephew over here." Aunt Cass exclaimed. She looked over the expression of the stranger and felt something.


"Guys. He really is familiar." GoGo said.

"Yes. I agree. I felt something in him." Wasabi spoke.

"Sí..Sí..I go with Wasabi. I felt something....Something. That makes my go wild." Honey Lemon added.

"Yeah. He felt like a friend to me. A BFF!!!" Fred exclaimed.

"He can't be Callaghan. He's too nice." Hiro said and sighed. He knew he was someone familiar. He knew he was someone special.

Just then, Baymax appeared out of nowhere.

"Baymax?" they said in unison.

"I felt distress. What seems to be the problem?" Baymax said.

"Feel free to scan." Hiro just sighed. They all sighed. "Scan complete. You all seem to have increased your heart rate. Your stimuli connected to the brain seems to be..faster than usual." Baymax stated. They all sighed in unison. "However, there seems to be other clues of signs of life detected over your packages." he added, attracting the team. "Baymax..Scan." Hiro commanded. "Scan complete. His blood type is as same as yours.His DNA seems to be the same over one of my recent patients." he replied.

"Baymax..Who is actually the patient?" GoGo asked.

They all bit their lip..Trying to sum up their whole and final conclusion.

Baymax pointed to the cap hidden behind the laptop.









"Tadashi." he stated out.

In Love With My Best Friend: A Big Hero 6 Fanfic (HiroGo)Where stories live. Discover now