Chapter Two

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"This might not sound very pleasing to you," My dad started out, sitting at the dining table with a serious look on his face. "But I talked to Min Yoongi, the CEO of the company you've always dreamed of working with." He said.

  A smile came across my face and I set my banana down beside me. "That sounds very pleasing, what do you mean?" I asked.

  "You didn't let me finish," He bit his lip.

  I tilted my head and my smile disappeared.

  "Min Yoongi has an offer." My dad smiled weakly. He looked at my mother and sighed. "He's willing to get you a free ride to Seoul University— and he's willing to let you work at his company with their music producing."

  I felt happy, but suspicion took over me.

  "But..?" I questioned him.

  "But.. he wants something in return." My dad said as he stood up and handed me a piece of paper. I looked at the paper and my eyes widened bigger than ever. "He wants a-"

  "He wants to marry me?!" I squealed out.

  "Unofficially, yes." My dad said calmly. "LGBT+ marriage isn't legal, but nobody can stop you from being with who you love."

  I wanted to throw the paper at him as he smiled. "I don't love Min Yoongi! I'm not even gay! Why does he want a marriage?!" I asked.

  "Unofficial marriage," My mom stated. "And you don't even know Yoongi yet." She smiled.

  I clenched the paper in my hands and felt like running over my parents with my car. "I want to work with him, not marry him." I set the paper on the counter next to me. "Why in the world does he want a marriage?" I asked.

  "Mr. Min has a plan." My dad stated as if he's already had a full on conversation with the mentioned CEO. "Financially, his company is kind of going downhill, and he came up with a plan to get recognized more and make more money." He looked up at me and smiled.

  "What's his plan?" I asked.

  "He thinks that if he marries- unofficially marries a male, more attention will be brought to him and his company." He said with the shrug of his shoulders. "If it doesn't work, he'll call it off and you can go back to your normal life— and if it that happens, you still get to keep going to college for free and he will give you the chance to help produce music or whatever."

My mouth hung open and my eyes were squinted. Free college? Working for BigHit?

I bit my lip and looked at the floor, then I looked at the scrunched up paper next to me.

  "Dad, you do realize I'm not gay, right?"

  My dad shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "I wouldn't care even if you were, son." He said. I smiled at him and rolled my eyes.

  "Fine," I finally said. "I'll think about it. No promises, though." I hopped off the counter and placed the paper and file between my arms and chest. My mom sighed in relief.

  "Kookie, this isn't only for you." She stated as she stood up to hug me. "It's for us too."

  I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her.

  "What do you mean?" I tilted my head.

  "Mr. Min is financially in trouble. His company is slowly losing money and- I don't know if we've told you this, but the company your dad works for is-"

  "Mr. Min is my boss, and if he doesn't have money, then that means.." My dad looked away and frowned. I understood what he meant right away, and so I sighed.

  "Dad, how does Mr. Min own a company but he can't hold it together properly?" I asked him curiously. He sighed loudly.

  "Because Mr. Min recently had to take over the company, Jungkook." My dad said sternly. "Look, you either do it or you don't. If you don't, you most likely won't go to the college you want to go to and you won't get a chance to go to BigHit and do whatever it was that you dreamed of." He crossed his arms.

My dream is to sing, dad.

  "It's your choice." My mom smiled.

  They both walked away, leaving me to stand alone. I walked to my bedroom and groaned.

I took my phone out of my pocket and went through my messages until I saw Namjoon's contact. I messaged him about the situation I was in, and two minutes later he called me.

"Kook, you're gay?" Was the first thing he said to me. I hit my pillow and rolled my eyes.

"No, they want me to pretend." I groaned. "They want me to pretend being gay, pretend being married- unofficially- and pretend being in love. And all just for free college and—"

"That sounds good to me." He said.

I pressed my lips into a thin line and just about threw my phone across the room.

"Mr. Min has money, so he most likely lives in a great place. You'll be married to him, so you'll live with him. All you have to do is pretend to love him and you'll get everything you want." I could practicality hear Namjoon's smile.

The other side of the phone was silent as I thought about what he had just explained.

"Free everything.." I slowly stated.

"And all you have to do is pretend."


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