Chapter Ten

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  I crossed my arms as Jungkook walked beside me. The sun was shining down on us as we walked to my usual tailor shop. We were currently walking there to buy him some new clothes because he had been wearing a suit that wasn't even formal enough for a meeting.

  A smile came across Jungkook's face once he walked into the big shop. "Wow." He said.

  He looked around at the different suits.

  "Hello," a man walked over with a smile on his face. He scanned Jungkook and bit his lip. "Can I help you?" He asked Jungkook.

  I furrowed my eyebrows and coughed.

  "Yes," I leaned against the wall. "My boyfriend needs to be fitted for a suit."

  The man's face fell and he let out an "oh" before he went behind a desk to get his measuring equipment. "Stand here." He said.

  Jungkook smiled and stood where the man pointed, completely oblivious to the fact that the man was checking him out from behind.

  Stupid kid.

  The man purposely slid his hand across Jungkook's waist, making his eyes widen.

  "You have a very petite body." The man smiled. Jungkook barely looked up at me.

  "Uh- thanks." He smiled weakly.

  I clenched my fists as a person from my company walked over to me. "You should beat his ass," Namjoon crossed his arms as he spoke into my ear. I brushed him away lightly.

"I thought you were a nice guy?" I questioned.

  Namjoon shrugged. "But this guy is obviously flirting with your boyfriend, Mr. Min." He said.

  I bit my lip and looked back at the man and Jeon. He was holding onto Jungkook's waist, making Jeon fiddle nervously with his shirt.

  "Get off of him." I grabbed the man's hand. He and Jeon looked up at me in confusion. "I want Alex to measure my boyfriend. At least I know he won't fucking touch him like that." I growled at the man. "Fuck off."

  The man nodded and set the equipment down on the desk before he went to the back of the room to find Alex, my personal tailor.

  "Hey Jungkookie," Namjoon smiled.

  Jungkook's face lit up once he saw him.

  "Hey Joon, did Hoseok ever give you what you wanted?" Jungkook smirked at him. I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head as Namjoon stood there with a stern look.

  "First of all, when did you two become friends?" I asked. "And secondly, wipe that look off of your face. You look weird."

  Jungkook's smirk turned into a pout.

  "Joonie and I met at your office," Jeon explained. "And I wanted to know if Hoseok and Joon's date went well-"

  "Kook!" Namjoon basically screeched.

  "What?!" Jeon frowned. "It's cute."

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