Chapter Twenty-Six

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As the party went on, Yoongi had too many drinks and everyone was heading home. My mom was sleeping in the room upstairs, next to my bedroom, and I had to carry Yoongi to his room once again. He wasn't heavy, but he sure was very hard to maintain.

"Kookie, I want to dance." Yoongi said as he wrapped his fingers around my neck to hold on as I brought him up the stairs.

  "You can dance in your studio on Monday." I told him. "You need to rest right now." I opened the door to his room and set him down on his bed. He shook his head up at me.

  "I want to slow dance." He stated.

  I looked down at him and tilted my head. "Why?" I asked.

  "Because I want to dance with you." He said. My eyes softened as he stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Please?"

Why can't he be like this all the time?

  I gave in and let him play piano music from his phone. The song was unfamiliar, but I didn't care. Yoongi was holding onto me, hugging me as we just swayed back and forth.

  I ran my hand through his hair, trying to make him more comfortable so he'd want to sleep, but he just melted into it and kept on dancing no matter what. I kept on playing with his hair, even after he finally said he was done dancing and he wanted to sleep.

  There was no point in trying to go to my own room to sleep because I knew how Yoongi liked to snuggle after getting wasted, so I stayed. I stayed with Yoongi and we talked about the most random things until he finally fell asleep with his arms wrapped around me as I played with his hair. Even I got sleepy after massaging his head, so I fell asleep just as peacefully.


  I felt moving in the bed as a phone was buzzing. Instead of trying to see what was going on, I merely grabbed the blanket and hid my face into it as Yoongi answered his phone.

  "Hello?" He said with his sleepy voice.

  The window was blinding us, and I could tell that Yoongi hated that, so I stood from my comfortable spot and closed the curtains. I got back into the bed and closed my eyes again.

  "Really!?" Yoongi said, a little more excited and a little more woke than before. "Thank you so much.." You could hear his smile form.

  When he hung up the phone, he laid back down happily with a smile on his face.

  "What was that?" I asked him.

  He didn't even question why I was in his bed. He was more focused on the call he just got.

  "You'll find out later." Yoongi smiled and wrapped his leg around my body. I was confused as to why he hadn't pushed me off the bed, but I decided to not question it.

  "Okay." I smiled as we both closed our eyes. "Let's just go back to sleep." I said. Yoongi nodded his head as he placed it on my arm.

  "Alright." He whispered. "Goodnight."

  I tried to hide my smile. "Don't you mean 'Good morning?'" I asked him. He nuzzled against me and whined. "Whatever." He pouted. "Let's just sleep." He said.

I smiled as silence took over. With that, we both went back to sleep better than before.

Three chapters in one night YEEHAW

Who do you guys think is the dom/top?

  I'm curious ^^


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