Chapter Sixteen

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Jungkook laughed as he looked at the ticket in his hand. "We're going to America?" He asked.

I know it may sound weird, but yes. I bought a flight to America for a honeymoon. When I was younger, I had always wondered what it was like. People had told me that it was crazy, but it also had a bunch of things to do.

The only time I had ever been out of country was for a business trip, and it didn't last long.

  I want a vacation. Or- honeymoon.

  "Yes, America." I stepped forward and handed the tall woman my ticket. "If you'd like to go anywhere else, we can go after." I told Jeon.

  He shook his head and followed me.

  "America is fine." He said. "I just expected somewhere like Paris or Hawaii or—"

  "Hawaii is a part of the United States." I turned to him and tilted my head. "Right?"

  He stared at me and furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't know, you tell me. Is it..?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

  When we finally boarded the plane, Jungkook just about complained the whole time. I had my earphones in, trying to ignore him, but he grabbed my arm and shook it.

  "What?" I yanked my earphones out.

  "I left my AirPods at home," he pouted. "Please share with me." He stuck out his lip. I looked down at his lips, then back up at him.

  I gave him one earbud. "You're annoying."

  He smiled happily and placed the earbud in his ear, then he rested his head on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and put in my earbud, turning on soft music, and fell asleep.


"Jeon," I snapped my fingers and pointed next to me. He rolled his eyes at me as he started walking next to me, carrying his bag. He mumbled something about not being "Jimin" or a "servant" as I looked around for a taxi.

When we finally got a taxi, the man drove us to the hotel suite I had gotten for us. Jungkook's eyes lit up once he walked into the room, seeing a bowl of grapes on a table.

"This place is so cute." He smiled.

I placed my suitcase next to the door and walked towards another door. I opened that door and smiled at the big bed inside of it and lied in the bed with a sigh of relief.

"Don't get too used to this suite, Jeon." I muttered into the soft pillow. "We're going on a cruise tomorrow morning. This is tempora-"

"A cruise?!" He cheered from the kitchen.

I laughed into the pillow. "Yes, Jeon."

He stepped up next to the bed and plopped himself down next to me. "I've never been on a cruise before." He moved closer to me.

I opened my eyes and moved my head to look up at him. He was looking at the ceiling with a smile. "This hotel was made specifically for people to go on their honeymoon." I looked up at him. He looked around at the roses and closed his eyes as he inhaled vanilla scents.

"I can tell." He smiled brightly.

"You know what that means, right?"

He turned his head and looked at me. "What does that mean?" He asked me curiously. I patted his arm and smiled sweetly at him.

"This is the only bed." I smirked.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at me and groaned. "You're gonna make me take the couch, aren't you?" He frowned. "I'm not sleeping like that-"

"Nobody said that." I patted his head full of fluffy hair. "You can sleep with me." I wiggled my eyebrows and smiled at him.

  He looked disturbed, but smiled as he hit my hand. "Stop being weird." He turned to look at me. "If we both sleep in this bed, you better not touch me." He looked into my eyes.

  Jungkook's brown eyes shined as he looked into mine, and it looked like they held galaxies. "I won't." I smiled back at him. His eyes scanned my face, trying to different answers.

  "Promise..?" He stuck out his pinky finger. "Promise me, Yoongi, that you wont."

  "I Promise, Jeon." I smiled. "I promise that I won't touch you tonight." I hooked our pinkies.


No no no, not todAy

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