Chapter Eighteen

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  A knock on the door broke me from the trance I was currently in. Everything had really just .. happened. And I didn't want it to. I don't.


  "Get off of me." I pushed Yoongi to the side, making him fall onto the bed as I hopped off of it. My face was red and my body was still shaking. I rushed to the door and opened it, glad that the woman had interrupted us.

  If she didn't, what would've happened?

  I shook my head and smiled down at the little lady. Her hair was grey and she was very short. Her little smile was cute as she looked up at me. She said something about room service, and she had wide eyes as she explained.

"We don't speak English." I felt a hand on my lower back. My eyes widened as much as the little old woman's as I looked back at Yoongi.

Wow. I said "get off of me," what don't you understand about that, Min Yoongi?

He looked down at the lady as she tried to explain something about her phone. Suddenly, she twisted her phone around and showed us a translation app. Wow. Old woman is smart.

"I am room service. I asked if you needed anything. Ice, cleaning, new sheets?" I read off of the translator. My mouth formed an O as I stared at her phone. That's so cool!

I smiled at the lady and shook my head.

"No, thank you." I spoke in English.

She nodded her head. "Have a great day!" I said as she walked away. I turned back to Yoongi and smacked his hand off of me.

"What?" He asked as I walked away.

He closed the door and followed me. "Whatever just happened.. didn't happen." I told him as I laid back in my previous spot.

"Why not?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

Why not? Because we are merely working together. We shouldn't let things get to us like we just did. Desires should be held back.

"It didn't happen." I repeated, closing my eyes and covering my face with my hands, trying to believe myself. Yoongi was silent for a moment, but still stood there and looked down at me. I could feel him staring into my head, but I'm not sure what he's thinking about..

  "It didn't?" I felt his cold fingers slither up my thigh. I removed my hands and looked at the end of the bed, seeing Yoongi smirking. "I'm pretty sure.." He leaned down towards my inner thigh and moved my shorts up to get a better view of my skin. I slid my fingers into his silky smooth hair as he looked up at me.

Shit. Stop. Stop this..

  "It happened." He said as he stared into my scared eyes with his dark ones before he placed a kiss on my inner thigh, making me shiver as he kissed more. I gripped onto his hair tighter as he sucked on my thigh. "Y-Yoongi—"

  He lifted himself off of me and smirked as he stood up. "I thought it didn't happen, Jeon?"

  I felt like an idiot as I stared up at him. My hands were now clenching the sheets from my bed and my knees were still weak.

  What the hell..?

  "Wait- That's not fair—"

  The bathroom door shutting cut off my sentence. I stared at the door in disbelief. I looked down at my shorts and fixed them, noticing that they were tighter.

  It was only then that I realized:

  Min Yoongi freaking turned me on..


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