Chapter Eleven

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  I stared down at my phone, reading the article that was titled "Same Sex Marriage: Will Min Yoongi Change the View On It For Good?"

  I groaned once I saw a certain picture.

  Thanks, article. Thanks for reminding me of the very thing that won't leave my mind.

  I ran my hand over my neck, the feeling of Yoongi's lips never leaving my mind as I looked down at the picture. The bad thing about the picture was that it actually looked...

  Real. It even felt real..

  I shivered at the thought.

  I am not attracted to Min Yoongi. He can stare at me with anger in his eyes all day, he can hold my hand in front of everyone, he can call me "baby" and treat me like one when we're around people, but I am not..

  Attracted to Min Yoongi.

  Damnit. What am I thinking?

  I scrolled down the article and sighed at another picture. This one was more.. soft. We were holding hands in his office as he looked down at his desk with a confused look.

  Little do they know, that was the day that I was being calmly cursed at by Yoongi for "leaving the office too much." Stupid.

  Stupid paparazzi. Stupid employees. Stupid companies and government. Stupid Yoongi.

  Stupid me.

  I groaned for the millionth time this morning before Yoongi opened my bedroom door as if we owned it. Well- He does.. But.. Still.

  I'd love to have my privacy.

  "Either you're having a fun time in bed, or you're really stressed out." He shoved his hands in his pockets. "But I don't care. It's time to go to work and you haven't even showered."

  "I know, I know." I sat up in my bed, my brown hair flopping into my eyes. "But I've been reading articles and a bunch of them are telling lies, Yoongi." I held up my phone.

  He stared at the picture and smirked.

  "That's business, baby." He said as he pulled my blankets off of me, revealing my sweatpants and T-shirt that I slept in. "Time. For. Work."

  I frowned and stood up from my bed.

  "You suck." I groaned again.

  "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you swallow." Yoongi shrugged at me. I reached out and hit his arm, making him glare at me.

  I smiled to myself and headed for the shower.


  "Kook!" Hoseok ran up to me with a heart shaped smile on his face, making me smile.

"Seok!" I cheered back at him.

He furrowed his eyebrows and his smile went away. "That's what I call Seokjin." He said.

"You know Jinnie?" I questioned.

He smiled weakly. "That doesn't matter." He brushed it off. "My date with Joonie went so great! Ugh! I wanted to touch his dimples."

I laughed and shook my head.

"I bet you wouldn't." I challenged him.

"Oh yeah?" He stood up straighter and smiled devilishly. "Joon!" He yelled as he ran away.

I chuckled and looked down at my hands.

He's so weird.

"Jeon," I felt a hand grab my waist and pull me back into their arms. My cheeks heated up and my ears rang with Yoongi's voice.

"Yoongi.." I breathed calmly as his hands rubbed on me. "Nobody's even looking."

I could feel his breath as he laughed behind me. "But what if they are?" He said, hugging me tighter. My cheeks were basically on fire now and I wasn't sure how to feel about this.

Why am I even unsure?

Yoongi and I are merely doing business together. Nothing more. Nothing. More.


Biiitchh I had 2 tests & an essay due today 🗿🥺 I wrote an essay in 30 min

I'm surprised I'm not Ded💀

I'm surprised I'm not Ded💀

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