Chapter Thirty-Seven

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  The sound of the alarm made my eyes open wide. I almost fell to the floor as I managed to jump off of Jungkook and turn off the alarm before it woke him up. Stupid alarm.

  I looked at Jeon and saw that he was still sleeping peacefully. Thank God. I didn't want to wake him up, so I got dressed for work quietly, and when I was ready to leave, I placed a small kiss on Jungkook's head.

  He reached out and grabbed onto me, still sleeping. I smiled at him and shook my head.

  "We'll cuddle later, Jeon." I laughed to myself. "I promise." I said as I moved his hand away from me. He went back to sleep. I felt like I had mainly made the cuddling promise to myself, but I still really wanted to keep my promise.

  I want to cuddle with him. He's just so cute..

  When I left to go to work, I told Seokjin to make sure to give Jungkook a good breakfast. He nodded as I walked out the door. I was supposed to go to a meeting today, and I really hated meetings, but I was still in a great mood from Jungkook and I's confessions and..


  As cheesy as it sounds, I loved it.

  I loved hugging onto Jeon as he told me how much he loved me. I loved the sounds and actions that came through from last night.

  I smiled as I thought about it.

  "Hey, Min Yoongi." I heard as I was walking down the sidewalk with that stupid smile on my face. The smile disappeared once I realized who's voice it was that was calling for me.




  I woke up and stretched my arms and legs out on the king sized bed. The smell of food hit my nose and I smiled. Food.. When I looked around for Yoongi, I realized that he was no longer there. The clock showed that he had left for work about three hours ago.

  Why didn't he wake me up?

  The blanket that was covering my naked body felt so warm and smelled like Yoongi, and I never wanted to leave but I knew I had to. I scrunched my nose up once I realized that we fell asleep without cleaning ourselves off.

  I hopped off of the bed and stripped it, throwing all of the blankets into the bin for the maids to clean. I squinted my eyes as I realized that I didn't want them to clean our mess, so I took it back out of the bin and put on clothes to go wash the blankets myself.

  Once the blankets were in the washer, I decided that I needed to wash myself as well. I went to take a shower, smiling as the hot water hit my skin. I began to sing to myself, feeling happier than usual. Yoongi made me this way.

  After I showered, I headed down for breakfast. "What's for breakfast?" I asked.

  Jin scurried towards me and took the lid off of the plate, just like in a movie. I smiled at the stack of pancakes and immediately took the strawberry off of the whipped cream.

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