Chapter Eight

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I look away, rubbing my cold hands together.

Yoongi had dragged me to a meeting with him, saying that it was a part of the plan he had. I sat awkwardly as he talked to a stranger about the marriage that "we" wanted to have.

It had been about a week since he had told everyone about us. One week of awkward dinners, one week of being yelled at for having loud music on, and one week of pure lies.

The media was going crazy with stories.

I hadn't been back to Yoongi's office since he let us be known, and I didn't really know how to feel. A whole week had passed before he's barely even looked at me, and I was feeling..


What am I doing?

I'm trapped in this cage of lies.

I shook my leg harshly, nervousness taking over me as Yoongi planted ideas and lies into the innocent man in front of him. Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows at me and placed his hand on my inner thigh, causing me to stop shaking, but instead I bit my lip and fidgeted with my hands.

Why is he touching me?

  His hand stayed there are he spoke to the man. I couldn't help but notice the little squeeze he gave me as he looked at me.

  What is he doing?

  I placed my hand on top of his and moved it, but he merely moved his fingers around mine and then placed our hands on the table we were sitting at so that the man could see it.

  My palms were sweaty and I couldn't help but sit there with worry written on my face.

  "Can we please leave?" I wanted to ask, but I knew that it would be breaking our deal.

  "Please stop lying." I wanted to say, but Yoongi would beat my ass later for it.

  "It's all fake." I wanted to say, but I remembered that I'm doing this for my parents. I wanted to scream and shout:

  This isn't real.

  "Yoongi doesn't love me.." I said out loud. I hadn't realized I had said it until Yoongi tightened his grip on my hand harshly.

  "Baby, yes I do." Yoongi looked back at me, an emotion finally reaching his eyes, and I had never ever seen emotion in him. Ever.

  He was scared.

  "I- I know," I stuttered once I realized what I had done, and part of the stutter was from the sudden nickname I was given. "I was.. joking."

  Yoongi and the man in front of us looked at me weirdly, but Yoongi was more stern.

  "Nice joke," Yoongi gritted his teeth. I knew that once we got to his house, he was going to scold me or yell at me. I'm sorry Yoongi.

  What else was I supposed to say?

  It wasn't a lie.


  When we got to Yoongi's house, he merely glanced at me as he opened the door and stepped in. I walked behind him with my head hung low, feeling miserably tired.

  He had been dragging me around all day, going to meeting after meeting, all of them being about either same sex marriage or something about music and technology.

  Half was a lie, half was what I dreamed of.

  Music. I want to write music. Sing. Dance. I want to feel the beat hit my skin and I want to sing until I can't anymore. I want that.

  I also want my parents to be proud.

  I'm still not sure what I'm going to college for, but I sure as hell will make it worth it.

We need the money.

  My thoughts suddenly stopped once I ran into something. I looked up and saw Yoongi, and he was just standing with his back facing me.

  I tilted my head and frowned.

  What is he doing?

  He suddenly turned around with an angry look on his face, and he pushed me up against something before glaring up at me.

  "Jeon, you almost fucking ruined us today." He growled. "I usually get pissed off about the little things, but this was the one thing that was the most important. Stay in character, or I swear to God I will fucking end you." He said as he released the collar to my shirt.

  I frowned even more as he backed away.

  "Yoongi, I didn't mean—"

  "I don't give a shit what you meant to do." He grimaced. "Act right or you're done for, Jeon."

  "How am I supposed to act like I love someone like you?!" I snapped back as he began walking away. "All you ever do is order people around and have people bend over backwards for you, Yoongi." I laughed out loud, in his face. "I'm fucking sorry, but I'm not bowing down to you!" I cried out to him.

  Yoongi merely scanned me before he turned once again, walking into his massive room.

  I groaned and opened my door as well, walking in and plopping myself in the bed.

  He's such an asshole.


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