Chapter Three

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  I walked into my office with an annoyed look on my face, but I soon hid it once I saw Mr. Jeon sitting there with a smile on his face.

  "Mr. Jeon," I startled him. He stood up and shook my hand firmly. "I wasn't expecting you to be here." I stated as I sat across from him.

  He sat back down and intertwined his fingers together, setting his hands down on my desk.

  "I'm here about your offer." He got straight to the point. I felt my lips curve upward slightly.

  "And..?" I looked up at him.

  "My son is willing to sign the contract. He's the perfect match for what you're searching for." Mr. Jeon smiles back at me weakly.

  I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Is there a catch to this or something?" I asked.

  "All my son wants is a full ride to Seoul Uni and he'd like to work here in the future."

  I tilted my head and bit my pen.

  He wants to work here..?

  "Okay," I shrugged my shoulders. "When will he be here to sign the contract?" I asked. He looked outside the glass window from my office, looking towards my secretary's cubical.

  "He's actually here right now." He smiled.

  "I'd like to meet him," I fake smiled back.

  He excused himself and about five minutes later, Taehyung came walking through my office door with a slightly shorter guy.

  He had on regular jeans and a white button-up that was loosely tucked into his jeans. His boots were black and his hair was dark brown, matching his dark brown eyes that held curiosity as he looked around my office.

  "Hi, Mr. Min." Taehyung smiles at me and pushed the shorter boy forward. The boy looked down at me and tilts his head. "This is Jeon Jungkook. He's ready for a meeting."

  I looked at Jungkook and examined him more. He was almost perfect for the job.

  "Hello, Jungkook." I said.

  The boy sat down and looked up at me. Taehyung left the office, leaving only me, Jungkook, and Park in the room.

  "Hi, Mr. Min." Jungkook smiled. His lips were thin and he looked down as he spoke to me.

  "I heard you've thought about my offer," I cut to the point. "Are you willing to do it?" I ask.

  Jungkook looked up at me and bit his glossy red lips. They looked like they had never been chapped in their life, and I couldn't help but look at them. "I am," He states, pulling out the contract that I had given his father.

  He laid the paper on my desk and looked up at me. "Well?" I say.

  "I read through the contract," he says as he scoots back in the seat. "Everything is good with me, except.. I don't understand why it has to be an unofficial marriage. Why not just say you're dating me and get on with it?" He asked.

  I sighed and rested my head on my hand.

  "I want awareness," I stated. "Many people can be gay and have a lover. I want to bring awareness that the LGBT+ community deserves rights for marriage." I claimed.

  Jungkook nodded his head and agreed.

  "Okay," He bit his lip again. "Where do I sign?" He asked as he looked up at me.

  I snapped my fingers, making Jimin practically run to Jungkook's side, giving him a pen and searching the contract to show him where he needed to sign things.

  Jungkook looked at Jimin in awe and then hesitated to look up at me. He then sighed the contract, taking a few minutes to do so.

  Jimin finally flipped to the last page. "Okay, you're all done here." He smiled at Jungkook.

  Jungkook looked up at me and shook his head. "You already signed the contract?"

  I nodded and furrowed my eyebrows at the boy. "Yeah, of course. I was the one who made it. Why would I get you to sign something before I signed it?" I asked him as if he knew.

  He shrugged and stood up.

  "Okay, Mr. Min." He smiled at me. "I guess I'll get going, then. Wouldn't want to interrupt your work." He started walking for the door.

  I stood up from my desk and grabbed his arm. I spun him around and crashed my lips onto his left cheek. He stared at me with wide eyes and furrowed his eyebrows.

  "Please," I looked into his eyes. "Call me Yoongi. You are mine, after all." I said.

  He stared into my eyes for a few seconds, shock overtaking him. "Uh- Okay." He backed away from me and coughed awkwardly.

  "Goodbye, Jungkook." I smiled.

  When he left, Jimin let out a breath he had held in and he grabbed his chest. "God damn, he's hot." He looked at me and smiled.

  I rolled my eyes and snapped at him.

  "Get to work, Park." I ordered.


1 more hour & I'll post another chapter

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