Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Two #1 Thank You guys lol

Two #1 Thank You guys lol

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  "Here's your order, gentlemen." The waitress set a plate in front of me and a plate in front of Jimin. Our reactions were both the same: eyes widening and mouths watering. Food.

  We both thanked the waitress and dug in like pigs despite the fact that this was supposed to be a fancy restaurant. We don't really care, which is why we also obnoxiously sang Happy Birthday as we walked down the street.

The sun was setting and it was shining over the city, making everything look pretty. "Thank you for taking me out for getting old." Jimin smiled at me. I smiled back and tilted my head.

"You're barely older than me." I stated.

Jimin laughed. "Yeah, but your birthday was last month and you wouldn't even let me do anything for you. You wouldn't even tell Yoongi because you were afraid he'd actually stay awake instead of napping his day away."

My mouth opened as I looked at Jimin. "I've never heard you call Yoongi by his name." I laughed, making Jimin laugh as well. Due to not paying attention, I accidentally bumped into something- No, a person.

"Watch it." The taller man turned to look at me. I stopped laughing and looked up at him, realizing it was Jay. "Oh, sorry Kook." He said.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Gee thanks." I said sarcastically. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Kookie, who's this?" He asked me. I pointed at Jay.

"This is Jay." I told him. Me and Jimin talked about everything, so he knew who Jay was.

"Oh," Jimin scoffed.

"Nice to meet you." Jay held out his hand.

Jimin grimaced at him. "Yep. We're in a hurry, so.. bye." He smiled at me and took my hand, leading me away. Before we could get farther, Jay grabbed my hand to turn me around, making me almost face him.

  I tripped over something, but I had no time to look at it as I fell backwards, landing into the road. I closed my eyes, scared to see the white car heading straight towards me and the next thing I remember is a loud shriek of wheels and Jimin screaming at the top of his lungs.

  Everything else went black after that.



  I finished eating my food, feeling bored and lonely because Jungkook wasn't here to throw food at me from across the table or talk to me about how work went for the day. I pressed my lips in a thin line as I walked up the stairs into my bedroom, hearing my phone ringing.

  My eyebrows drew together in confusion as I looked at my phone.

6 missed calls. 21 messages.

  I frowned as I remembered that for one: the sun is setting and Jimin isn't working for me at the moment, and two: Jungkook is with him.

  The ringing stopped, so I immediately picked up my phone and looked for Jungkook's number and called it. "M-Mr- Uh Yoongi- Fuck, just come to the hospital." I heard Jimin stutter. My stomach dropped and my heart started thumping harder and faster.

  "What the fuck happened?!" I furrowed my eyebrows, confusion and fear taking over me.

  "J-Jungkookie.." I heard Jimin's voice break. I shook my head and slammed my hand against the wall. "Fucking spit it out, Park!" I yelled.

  The phone ruffled a bit before I heard another voice. "Hey, Uh.. This is Jay. Jungkook got in an accident. He's in room 221 on the second floor. We don't know his condition, but we just thought you'd want to know." Jay told me.

  I clenched my fists at Jay's voice, then clenched harder as he spoke about Jungkook getting in an accident.  Jungkook..

  "What kind of accident?!" I asked, but got nothing in return. I looked down at my phone and realized the call ended, so I picked up my keys and ran down the stairs, almost falling down them. Seokjin looked at me weirdly, but didn't question it as I ran out the door.

  This better be some twisted joke.

  Jungkook... You better be okay..


Me: doesn't post a chapter
Me: causes THIS to happen in return

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