Chapter Six

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I spun across the big bedroom, signing my heart out as I collapsed onto the king sized bed. I was given a bigger bedroom after my little talk with Yoongi. I had not lied to him either.

My phone contained pictures of the contract in the camera roll, and I wasn't afraid to show the world what his true intentions were.

A loud bang on my door caused me to jump.

I stood up and opened it, revealing a glaring short blonde man. "Turn that shit off!" Yoongi yelled over the loud music as he walked to the source of the max volumed music.

A frown came across my face as he turned the music completely off, unplugging my phone from the aux cord. "Why?" I asked him.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and plopped onto a chair in the corner of my room. "We need to set some do's and don't's." He stated.

I sat across from him and nodded.

"Okay, for starters, don't kiss my lips." I said sternly, causing Yoongi to glare at me.

"And don't make me look sappy." He said.

I chuckled a little, causing my shoulders to move. "I bet you're actually really soft when it comes to loving someone." I rolled my eyes.

"Love isn't my priority." Yoongi brushed off his knee and leaned back. "So no, I'm not."

My smile went away and I shook my head.

"You're a cruel person, aren't you?" I ask. Yoongi rolled his eyes and looked straight at me. "Just get on with more do's and don't's" He said sternly. I shrugged his glare off.

"You have to start telling people about us." I said to him. "So many people were making r-"

"I know, I know." Yoongi cut me off.

It's true. People are making rumors. There were people asking me questions and some whispering as I walked out of the building.

I actually felt relieved when I got back to Yoongi's house today. It was an odd feeling.

I'm not used to being the center of attention.

"I'll do it when the time is right." Yoongi poked his lips into a small pout. "If that's ever."

I played with the pillow behind me on my chair and sighed. "Whatevs. The only 'don't' that I have is to not kiss my lips. Is that all you wanted?" I looked up into his brown eyes.

"Yeah, But-" He broke off as he stood up from his chair. "If anyone's asks, I'm the dom."

My eyes squinted and I furrowed my brows.

"Dom?" I questioned curiously.

Yoongi stared back at me and tilted his head as his mouth hung open. "Jeon, are you-" He examined me. "Are you even gay?" He asked.

I shook my head, causing him to sit back down. "Are you kidding me? Why did you agree to do this then?" He asked me, surprised.

I looked away and sighed.

"For my parents, mainly." I smiled weakly. "Other than that, I probably wouldn't be here."

  A large awkward silence took over as he merely stared at me. "Whatever," he stood up and walked towards the door. "Just don't make me look so soft in front of my workers."

  He left the room, leaving it quiet again.

  Aren't his workers called employees?

  He makes them sound like slaves. With his personality, I bet they are his slaves. How did I get stuck with such a terrible and rude "unofficial husband?" This sucks ass.



I clenched my fists once I left the cold bedroom, my feet stepping in front of each other with every single step I took towards my bedroom. My bedroom was right next to Jungkook's, but I still rushed to get there.

"For my parents" kept running through my mind as I closed my bedroom door.

  I actually relate to Jeon in some way.

  When he said he wasn't gay, but he still wanted to help his parents, it hit me- He probably doesn't even want to do this.

  Do I even really care at all?


  Did I care about it for myself when I took over this stupid company?



  I took over BigHit for my dad. I took over this company so that my mom could live a happier life. I took over this company for my parents.

  Don't get me wrong, I love music.

  But I don't love the way I'm using the company. I used to think that I'd grow up and produce music, and that I'd be happy.

  Instead, I feel more like I'm trapped as a company owner besides a music producer.

  I want to produce music, not run the whole damn company.

  I frowned as I sat down on my bed. There was a file on my dresser that had many papers inside of it, and they were all song ideas.

  I never get to use them, but at least they're there. Lyrics that could be used some day.

  That's how I've thought for the past year.

  I've finally accepted the fact that I've taken over my dad's job. For good. Even though I'd much rather have a little studio to myself, I'm stuck with a whole building and workers besides working by myself and for myself.

  I don't want an assistant.
  I don't want workers.

I want to work on my own,
  But.. it's for my mother..


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