Chapter Thirty-Five

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The way y'all ain't ready for this combination chapter 👁👄👁 OO


  I finally got back home after a long day, walking slowly through the door. It was barely past nine and I wasn't tired yet. I was too busy thinking about Yoongi and his friend.

  I walked into the living room and my lips curved up as I saw Yoongi sitting on the couch, sleeping. There was no girl around, and I was curious as to why Yoongi wasn't having as much fun as he said he was going to have.

  "Where's your friend?" I sat next to Yoongi, causing his eyes to open. My leg propped up against his and I faced him as he woke up.

  He looked around. "Cheye? I don't know. She said she had to answer her phone and I fell asleep." Yoongi shrugged. I bit my lip as his sleepy voice traveled into my ears like music.

  "So.." I trailed off.

  Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows at me.

  "Did you guys fuck while I was gone?" I tilted my head curiously. Yoongi's eyes widened.

  "What?" His mouth hung open. "Jeon, what the hell are you talking about? I like—"

  "Yooni is just a friend of mine.." I heard a small and soft voice say. I turned around to see a short woman, wearing pastel yellow colors.

  I snickered as she called him Yooni.

  Yoongi sighed and looked down. "I'm sorry, Cheye. Jeon doesn't usually.. get jealous."

  "I am not jealous!" I poked his side.  

  Yoongi twitched as I touched a sensitive spot. He moved my finger and pressed his lips into a thin line. "I should get going." The woman said.

  "Yeah, it's getting late." Yoongi agreed, showing her to the door. They said bye to each other and once she left, Yoongi turned to me. "As I was saying, no. I did not fuck her, Jeon. I don't even like her in that way." He scoffed.

  I looked up at him and rolled my eyes. "Let's.. have this discussion upstairs." I said, trying to make sure that no maids heard our little talk.

  We headed up to Yoongi's room and he closed the door. I pressed my face into his pillow, smelling the fresh scent of.. Well.. Yoongi.

  "Are you jealous because I can get a girl and you can't?" Yoongi laughed. "If that's the case, I'm sorry for your luck, but I haven't had sex in a while and I don't plan on it either." He said.

  I scrunched my nose at the thought of Yoongi having sex with someone- or anyone for that matter. "Why don't you plan on it?" I asked.

  Yoongi shrugged. "Consent." He said.

  The word caught my attention. "Consent?" I asked as he lied down next to me. He nodded his head and sighed. "Yeah. It's kind of hard to have sex with someone who doesn't want you."

  I felt that. Straight in my heart.

  "Wait.." I sat up. Yoongi looked up at me as he cuddled a pillow. "Who do you want?" I asked. I was scared of the answer, but still waited as Yoongi just kept staring at me like a deer in headlights. "Nobody.." he hesitated to say.

  A smile came onto my face. "Me?" I questioned as I put my hand on his inner thigh, moving it so I could spread his legs apart. Yoongis eyes grew wider and wider as I placed myself between his thighs. "J-Jeon?" He gripped tighter onto his pillow. I grabbed the stupid pillow and threw it off the bed.

  "Min Yoongi.." I slowly said, nuzzling my face into his shoulder. "Would it be okay if we.."  I closed my eyes tightly. "Can we make love?"

  I felt his hand slowly make its way up my back, making me shiver. "Jeon.." Yoongi said sternly. I gave him a worried and shy look. "Don't you want your first time to be with someone you love?" He asked me softly.

  I nodded my head as I looked into his eyes. "Yes, Yoongi. That's why I'm asking you."

  Yoongi's eyes widened, then they softened as tears started forming. I frowned as he looked into my eyes with his teary ones. "Yoongi.."

  He wrapped his arms around me tightly. "You idiot.." Yoongi wrapped his legs around my waist and pulled me in closer. "I thought you hated me. You've been ignoring me and going out so much that I thought.. I thought you hated me.." He hid into my chest.

  My eyebrows scrunched together as tears formed in my eyes as well. I've never seen Yoongi cry, and I sure as hell have never seen him cry because of me or something I did.

  "No.. no, no, no.. Yoongi.." I held him tight. "It's not like that. Not at all. If anything, I love you, Yoongi. Everything about you." I laughed lightly. "You're the complete opposite of what I thought I wanted, but you're actually perfect. Your little gummy smile, the way you sleep so cutely, the way you're actually soft but want to appear stronger in front of people.. You're so adorable I could just marry you- Well.. you get what I mean." I laughed to myself.

  Yoongi laughed too, and his crying stop.

  "Jeon.. I love you too. Please don't distance yourself again." Yoongi let go of me and looked directly into my eyes. "Or else.." he smiled.

  "Or else what? You'll punch me? With your little fists?" I laughed. "Go ahead and try." Yoongi scrunched up his nose at me.

  "You brat.." He laughed.

  I smiled and placed my forehead onto his. "I'm your brat, though." I caressed his cheek. Yoongi smiled and pecked my nose.

  "Jeon.." Yoongi said softly.

  "Yes?" I replied, my eyes gleaming as I looked into his sparkly eyes.

"You have my consent."



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