Chapter Thirty-Two

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  Merely two weeks went by before Jungkook remembered almost everything. I figure that the doctor was just off with his estimate, but I didn't care. Jungkook was remembering.

  "I remember the contract now.." He told me yesterday. I knew that he had wanted to tell me something yesterday because he was trying to hurry up and get me and him alone in my room. "The plan. Everything. I remember signing it and I remember my dad telling me about it. I was in my house." He told me.

  I smiled at him when he told me.

  A part of me was glad that he was getting his memory back, but a part of me was hoping that he would never remember the contract and that he'd cuddle with me every night and not have to act like a husband.

  He thought we were actually husbands. I mean.. We are actually.. but.. not really.

"That means that you pretty much remember everything then, right?" I asked him.

  "Well.." he frowned. "Mostly.."


  Today, Jungkook was acting a lot more different. He was ignoring me when we ate, and didn't bring me lunch. He even ignored my calls and texts. I started to feel a little hurt, but I didn't want to mention it to him because the doctor told me not to cause stress on him..

When I got home, I found out that he was locked in his room. Seokjin told me that he tried to talk to him, but he wouldn't do it. Worry started taking over my head as I sat down on the couch. Jungkook won't talk, He barely ate, and he has his room locked.

What the fuck..

I sighed and went up the stairs to Jungkook's door, knocking on it lightly. "No!" Jungkook yelled from the other side of the door. It sounded like he was against the door, and I remember one time when I pretended he hurt me by hitting the door against my nose.

  I remember that I lied about him hurting my nose just so I could apologize to him for the first time. Even though I wasn't sure back then why I felt the need to apologize to him, I did. He was mad at me, saying that I married him for money instead of helping the LGBT+ community. He wasn't wrong, but he wasn't right either. I actually am a part of the community and yes, I did want to help.

  But.. I also needed money for my mom.

  I slammed my hand against Jungkook's door, feeling the heaviness on the other side. "What the hell?" Jungkook hissed at me. He hit the door back and I laughed to myself.

  "That.. hit my head.." He trailed off.

  I frowned as I realized that it hurt him. "I'm sorry.." I leaned against the door again.

  Jungkook was silent for a moment before I heard the door being unlocked. I moved away from the door as it opened. "Yoongi.." Jungkook peeked out of the door. We made eye contact and then he opened the door all the way. "You apologized again." He smiled.

  I tilted my head. Did he remember?

  "You apologized, but you didn't hug me this time." He said. I smiled and scooted on the floor closer to him, pulling him into a hug.

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