Chapter Seven

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  I sat in my office chair, watching as Jungkook studied every single decoration in there. A sigh came out of my mouth as I realized I was being distracted by him once again today.

  "Park!" I snapped my fingers.

  Jimin ran up to my desk. "Yes?" He asked.

  I looked up at him and crossed my arms. "Go tell everyone that we're having a meeting. Everyone must attend." I told him. "I'll be there in five minutes." I said as he nodded.

  "Okay, sir." He scurried outside of my office.

  Jungkook stared at me as Jimin started announcing the sudden meeting to people.

  "What is it, Jeon?" I asked, looking down at the files in front of me with a stern look.

  "What's the meeting about?" He questioned.

  I glanced up at him and intertwined my fingers together. "It's going to be about how I pretend to love you and stick my dick up yo-"

  "No! Stop!" He covered his ears. "I get it!"

  I chuckled to myself and shook my head.

  I forgot that he has virgin ears.

  "What are you going to tell your employees?" He sat in front of me with a concerned look.

  "I'm going to tell them how much I hate you and how much I wish you wouldn't take thirty minute showers in the mornings." I smiled sarcastically. "Oh- and about how you like to annoyingly ask a lot of questions." I added.

  Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.

  "You're so mean, how do you even own a company?" He crossed his arms like a kid.

  "Easily." I stated blankly.

  It was handed down to me.

  "Whatever, let's just get this over with."


  We both walked out of my office with no expression on our faces. I slowly slid my hand onto his and then intertwined our fingers.

  Jungkook tried not to make a face, but I could tell that he would rather be chopping off my hand instead of holding it like this.

  We don't like each other. At all.

  Yesterday, we had an awkward dinner together where the tenseness was something that we were both aware of, but we were silent.

  I'm still pissed off at him for basically holding my career in my face just so he could be treated "like a real boyfriend." Well, Yeah, I should've probably given him a better room, but still.

  He doesn't have to be so annoying.

  I finally led him to the front of the building where Jimin was standing silently. Workers were scattered everywhere and they were whispering as I walked past them with Jeon.

  "Everybody listen up," I started out.

  Many people stood with curious eyes as I spoke up. "This" I grabbed Jungkook's waist, causing him to gasp as I pushed him forward a little bit. "Is my lovely boyfriend." I finished.

  A ton of voices filled the building.

  "H-Hi," Jeon waved with both of his hands.

  My lips formed a thin line. "We are planning to do something pretty dumb, but I just wanted you to know that if you don't support it, then you can get your useless ass out of my building." I said sternly as I looked into the crowd. Nobody said a word. "Good." I said.

  Jungkook bit his lip and stepped back.

  "Now," I started once again. "As you all know, me and Jeon- I mean Jungkook- cannot live our dream and have a wedding. Why? Because it's not allowed." I said with a fake sad tone.

  People in the crowd frowned and felt sorry for us. Little do they know ...

  "But you two are so cute!" A worker said with a pout on their face as they looked at Jeon.

  I squinted my eyes at the worker to see who it was. "You're right, Hoseok. We totally are, which is why I'm planning on trying to get rights for same sex marriages." I smiled.

Everyone went into a roar of talking, making Jungkook flinch and back up even more.

"Settle down." I said sternly. Eventually, everybody calmed down. "Like I said, if you don't like it then you can leave. If not, thanks for your support." I fake smiled. "Now get back to work." I said. As I was about to walk away, I was called for by someone in the crowd.

"Mr. Min! Give us a kiss!" Some people started cheering for me and Jungkook.

My eyes widened at Jeon and I bit my lip.

His stupid fucking rule..

Jungkook's eyes were practically begging for me to not kiss him like they wanted, but a part of me just wanted to out of spite. No. I won't.

I stepped towards Jungkook and placed my hand on his cheek. His skin was warm and his eyes were staring daggers into mine, but they also held fear and puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry guys," I smirked. "I can't."

Jungkook closed his eyes and sighed in relief as the workers groaned. "Aw, come on!" Namjoon cheered along with Hoseok.

Even Jimin was smirking in the corner, but he actually knows about our plan. Or— my plan.

I shrugged and reached up to kiss Jungkook's cheek. "That's all you're getting." I told them once I pulled away from his face.

The crowd all smiled and began talking.

I finally moved away completely. Jeon was in shock and in fear all because a small kiss.

Why is he so scared?


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