Chapter Twenty-Four

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I went the whole night curious as to what Jungkook and Jimin actually did when they went out together last night. Jealously kept me up for a while and I barely got any sleep.
Which is why I wanted coffee.

I headed into my office with a small frown on my face. Jimin had forgot to get my coffee this morning, and I was already upset at him for other shit he was doing. To make it even worse, I walked out of my office to hear people whispering things about Jimin and Jungkook.

I told most of the workers to fuck off and get to working. When lunch came, so did Jungkook. He came around the corner with a sandwich and iced coffee in his hand.

  Why is he here?

He was wearing black skinny jeans with rips in them, a white shirt, and a black jacket with his hair kind of messy from the wind.

"Sorry I'm late," he looked down at me and flipped his hair out of his eyes. "Starbucks was fucking packed and traffic was so terrible."

"Jeon," I looked up into his eyes. "What are you doing?" I whispered as people looked at us. Jungkook smiled and held up the coffee.

"I'm bringing my husband lunch, what does it look like I'm doing, honey?" He asked as he shoved the sandwich and coffee in my direction. What the fuck is "honey?"

I took the food hesitantly and then stared back up at Jungkook with a confused expression. He smiled with his eyes before he placed his hand behind my head and stepped forward to leave a kiss on my forehead.

  My face started turning red at Jungkook's sudden actions. Seriously, what is this boy doing? He's making me look.. soft.  He really-

"Enjoy." He smiled and backed away from me, letting his lips linger on my forehead.

Every person in the room either cooed or grimaced at Jungkook's action. I felt my face slowly heat up more. "I thought Jungkook went out with Jimin yesterday?" One person said from across the room. Shit.

"They're so cute!" Hoseok squealed.

"I heard that Jungkook went on a date yesterday. Maybe he feels bad for Mr. Min. I bet that's why they're married. Poor Kook.."

"I've never seen Mr. Min be cute with someone! I wish I would've recorded that."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Jungkook's hand to lead him into my office. He looked down at me and tilted his head. "Is something wrong?"

"Uh, duh!" I set the food and drink on my desk. "Rumors about you and Jimin are going around, and you- you broke my rule!" I stated.

Jungkook smiled as he looked at me. "So?"

Is he serious? Does he think this is funny? My whole section thinks I'm.. soft.. Fuck no.

I pushed Jungkook against the wall, causing his smile to slowly fade away. "What are you—"

I cut him off by placing my lips straight onto his. His eyes opened wide as I kissed him, his soft red lips trembling as I did so. His lips felt so good put with mine, but Jungkook pushed me away and furrowed his eyebrows.

"What the hell are you doing?!" His face turned red as he placed his hand on his lips.

My lips felt different once he pushed me away, and I couldn't help but to place my hand on my lips as well, surprised at my own actions. "You broke my rule, so I broke yours. Even." I said even though my brain was calling me stupid.

My heart was screaming with joy, but my head was screaming at me for doing that. Shit.

Jungkook stood there for a few seconds as he stared at my desk. He then looked up at me and stared with a confused look. "You- You fucking kissed me.." his eyes widened.

My legs started shaking as I thought about it. I just fucking kissed Jeon. What the fuck? I'm just as surprised as he is.. maybe even more.

Jungkook stepped forward, and I was expecting him to completely lash out and murder me or something, but he didn't.

He stood there for a second and looked down at me. I started feeling uncomfortable under his gaze until he finally decided to speak up.

"You're not the fucking dom." He said with a low voice as he lowered down in front of me.

My eyes widened as Jungkook placed his hands on the back of my thighs and picked me up, placing me on my office desk. Everything changed once he placed his lips on mine once again, kissing me harshly and hungrily as if he had been waiting to do this for forever now.

What the fuck?   I thought he didn't know what "dom" meant anyways..?

Jungkook's eyes were closed, so I closed mine and gave in as he placed his hand on my back to pull me in closer to him. I was confused over how dominate he was being, and I wasn't used to having him be like this. It feels.. weird.

His lips moved against mine only harshly enough to show that he was "dominate."

I remember telling him that I was the dominate one in the "relationship".

I could taste the fresh lip balm that he had put on as I licked his lips, and I wasn't even mad that all of my workers were watching from outside the window. All I could think about was Jeon Jungkook and his lips against mine.

His hand slowly went up my inner thigh and I couldn't help but melt into his touch. He slowly moved his kisses to my neck and I felt so free.

Whatever he's doing to me should be illegal.

My hands were wondering all over Jungkook's hair as he left kisses on my skin. "Jeon.."

Jungkook pulled away from my neck and breathed heavily from the loss of breath from kissing me. "You broke my rule," He finally muttered, chuckling right after.

I looked up at him with wide eyes. His hair was now messy and his doe eyes were now dark and showed a powerful meaning to them.

"I hope your careless actions in the workplace doesn't show up in any articles." Jungkook smirked as he grabbed his jacket to leave. "That would be one hell of a story." He opened the door to my office and stepped out slowly.

I sat on my desk, legs dangling as I looked at all of the people who were staring at me.

That little asshole.. He meant to do that.

But holy fuck.. That was amazing..


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