Chapter Twelve

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Boredom took over me as I sat still in my room. I felt like I had been staring at the walls for endless hours before I heard a knock on my door. "Yes?" I looked at the white door.

It slightly opened, revealing Seokjin.

"Yoongi said he's going to the store. Something about a piano or something." He shrugged. "He said to tell you he'll be back."

"Okay," I smiled. "Why did you call him Yoongi?" I asked him. He usually calls Yoongi 'Mr. Min'. I'm not used to anyone else calling him by his real name unless it's me.

Jin shrugged once again. "I told you." He said. "If you ever catch me being different, it's because I'm no longer under control of the big bosses." He laughed lightly.

"How many bosses do you have?"

"Two. Yoongi and Mr. Jung." He said.

  I furrowed my eyebrows. Jung. "Jung as in Jung Hoseok?" I asked him. His face softened as he looked at the ground.

  "Jung as in my ex's father. Mr. Jung." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Hoseoks father."

  Oh, God.

  "I'm sorry. I- I didn't know-"

  "Kook, it's fine." Jin reassures me with a smile. "It was a mutual break up." He said. I nodded my head and exhaled.

  "Thanks for informing me about Yoongi."

  "Yep," he slowly closed my door.

  Shit. Now it all makes sense.


  Boredom caused curiosity, which caused disaster. I opened Yoongi's bedroom door slowly, making sure maids or anyone else wouldn't hear. There was really no need to be so suspicious about it, I am his "boyfriend."

  I snuck past the door and closed it.

  When I turned on the light switch, a chandelier lit up all pretty-like. Really?

  Rich people these days.

  I ran my hand across his dresser as I walked further into his room. There was a file on the dresser that had been there since the last time I had come in here. The first time I was here.

  My curiosity came over me and I picked up the file and opened it. The papers inside of it were different from his usual stacks of contracts and business papers. No.

  This time, it was more simple.

  It looked like poetry at first, but then I examined the file more and realized that it was lyrics. Lyrics? Does he write songs?

  I face palmed myself, almost dropping the file. Of course he does. Am I that dense?

  I scanned the lyrics and frowned at some of them. They're mostly really dark songs, and I would've never thought of Yoongi to be..


  He's pretty much closed off or not ever open. Especially not about feelings or anything. The lyrics sound so much different than that. They share feelings. They open up to me.

Why doesn't he share them?

"Jeon, why are you in my room?" I felt a hand grab my wrist. I looked up to see Yoongi standing with a slight worried look on his face.

"You should put these to use." I closed the file and set it back down on his dresser. "It's a shame for such great words to be unheard."

I shrugged and started walking towards the door. I thought that he wanted me to leave, but he grabbed my wrist once again, spinning me around to face him. "What do you mean?"

He looked at me in confusion.

"Your lyrics." I looked back at him. "Duh."

I tried to turn back around but he grabbed me again. "Jeon, you're such a damn brat. What do you mean? Do you like them?" He asked.

A smile reached my lips as I looked at his curious eyes. "Well of course I do." I said. "Shit- Some of them really hit me hard."

Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"I'm not being sarcastic, Yoongi." I stated. He bit his lip and stared back up at me. He then grabbed the file and looked down at it.

"You think I should actually do something with them?" He asked. "I've had them for a while now. I've been so busy that—"

"There's no way in hell that you're too busy." I stated as I crossed my arms. "You could have hundreds of people help you out. You're probably just too stubborn to ask." I shrugged.

Yoongi raised his eyebrows and looked down at the ground. "You're not wrong," He laughed a little, causing my heart rate to speed up. Did I just make him laugh? Me?

"Holy shit" I said out loud, not meaning to.

"What?" He looked up at me with a worried look. I shook my head and looked in his eyes.

"Uh- Nothing. I just.." I looked away. "Honestly, I don't know anymore." I said.

Yoongi stepped forward and stared into the side of my head with his dark brown eyes. "Jeon, are you blushing?" He smirked.

He lifted his hand and put it on my cheek.

"Shut the hell up, I'm not." I smacked his hand away from me. He laughed again and started heading towards his bed.

"Love you too, baby boy." He smirked.

The name went straight to my heart and head, making me overthink everything. Stop it.

Stop making me think things, Min Yoongi.


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