Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I walked around the park with a smile on my face. Saturday was my favorite day because it always got me out of school. I guess it doesn't really matter for me at the moment, though, considering school ended months ago now.

Flowers were bloomed everywhere and there were a few water puddles from recent rain. Everything is so pretty here lately. I tilted my head and turned around once I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Oh," I looked in front of me.

"Hey." The familiar person said.



I frowned as my alarm went off. Monday. I hate Monday's. They force me to have to get up early and go into work. Speaking of work, everyone was being weird as I walked down the hall to my office. Once I got into my office, Jimin shook his head and pulled up his phone.

"Why is everyone—" I was stopped as Jimin handed me his phone, showing me a little article on a website. "What's this?" I asked.

Jimin sighed as he sat down. "Your husband decided to go on a date, apparently." He rolled his eyes. "I thought I had told him..."

"What the fuck?" I ignored everything Jimin said as I read the article. I felt anger come over me as I looked at a picture of my Jungkook with that fucking Jay kid. "Why?" I asked.

Park merely shrugged at me and lowered his head. "Not sure. Maybe it's just the media being stupid again." His phone started ringing from his office, so he left mine to answer it.

I stared at the phone and felt actual tears start to form in my eyes. It wasn't only anger that overcome in me, it was betrayal and concern.

I thought he didn't like Jay?

I thought he was straight?

I wiped my eyes so tears would go away and I set the phone down on my desk. "This is exactly why I fucking hate relationships. Why am I always the one getting hurt?" I said to myself. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up to see Jimin standing there.

"Trust me, I'm just as confused as you, boss."


"Yoongi!" Jungkook smiled widely as I walked into the door of my house. I brushed him off and walked up to my room, not wanting to see him at all. "Yoongi?" Jungkook questioned.

I kept walking and finally opened my door, trying to avoid Jeon following me and trying to avoid looking or listening to him at all.

As I was about to close my door, Jeon caught it. "What's wrong?" He asked me. I hadn't realized how depressed I looked, but I didn't even care. I was mad at myself for ever even letting myself grow attached to him, just like Park Jimin fucking told me weeks ago.

"Nothing." I told Jeon. "I'm tired."

I plopped onto my bed and looked away from Jungkook. "Uhm, you don't usually act this way when you're tired—"

"Jeon, Shut the hell up and leave." I snapped at him. "If I'm tired, I'm fucking tired."

Jungkook looked at me with his big brown eyes. They started watering up, just like mine were earlier, but for a different reason.

He looked away and frowned. Before he could walk away from my bed, I pulled his arm and forced him next to me on my bed.

"I'm sorry, Kookie." I frowned with him as I wrapped my arms around his neck and basically laid on top of him. "I just had a bad day. I didn't mean to be so mean." I said.

Jungkook placed his hand on my lower back and put his chin on top of my head. I furrowed my eyebrows because of my height.

I. Am. Not. Soft. But.. Jeon hits a different spot. He makes me soft. I have no choice in it.

  "This is weird" Jungkook chuckled. "You're usually only clingy when you're drunk."

  I sat up to look at him and I tilted my head. I'm clingy when I'm drunk? What the hell? "Is that why you're always in my bed?" I asked.

Jungkook nodded his head with a smile.

"Yes, sir." He laughed. My face started heating up once I realized how close I was to his face. I shook my head and tried to get off of him, but he pulled me closer to him in return.

"Jeon, can I ask you something?" I said, trying to ignore how much closer he brought me.

Jungkook nodded his head slowly in confusion.

"Why did you go on a date with Jay?" I asked. Jungkook's eyes widened as he looked up at me. He lifted his head up from the bed and sat up, making me straddle him awkwardly.

"Yoongi, did you read something?" Jungkook chuckled. "Weren't you the one who told me not to believe anything I saw from the media?"

I bit my lip once I realized he was right. He saw the expression on my face and he flipped us over so that I was lying on the bed instead of him. "Don't worry, Yoongi. I'm all yours." Jeon joked as he wrapped his hands around me.

I held onto him tightly as he put his head on my chest. The only thing I could see was the ceiling, so that was what I stared at as I ran my hands through Jungkook's hair like he does to me all the time. "So it wasn't a date?" I asked.

Jungkook smiled up at me and shook his head. "Nope. We walked around the park for about ten minutes and I told him I had to leave." He said, then hugged me tighter. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're jealous."

I forced his head back into my chest again so I couldn't see him smiling up at me. "Shut up. I'm not jealous." I lied to him. Yes I am.

You're not even gay, you're not even actually my significant other, but yes, I am jealous.

Hey guys:

For the top/dom thing, Jungkook won soooo SHIT I'm sorry for those who wanted Yoongi to be dom but majority wanted jk and now I'm confused 😂


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