Chapter Thirty

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"Kook?" I walked in behind the nurse, only to see Jungkook lying on a hospital bed with a bandage on his head and a cut on his top lip.

My heart dropped more once I saw the look he gave me. Confusion, unbalanced, dazed, anything you could possibly think of, It didn't matter. He doesn't even know who I am.

He stared up at the nurse, waiting for her to explain. "This is Yoongi," she stood next to Jungkook and looked up at me with a smile that I wish I could smack off of her face. "Yoongi is your husband. Do you remember?"

Jungkook's nose scrunched up.

"What kind of name is that?" He questioned. I smiled, remembering that he said that exact thing when he first moved in with me. He was still mad because I was still rude to him.

I wish I was ever mean to him.

Not now, not ever.

"Why are you smiling?" He questioned me. I merely shrugged and walked towards his bed.

"Because you didn't change at all." I said.

  "Hm..Let's see who you really are." He said.

Jungkook slightly smiled and grabbed my arm, pulling me into him. He suddenly placed his lips on mine, softly pecking and eventually sucking on my bottom lip. Confusion took over me, but I still slightly kissed him back, not sure as to why he was kissing me or why I was kissing him back. I didn't even care.

  I love the feeling of his lips against mine. I found that out weeks ago, when we had our little rebellious crisis. But all I really cared about was the fact that he was okay and alive, but he still doesn't even know who I am.

Jungkook pulled away from me, then softened his grip on my arm. We looked into each other's brown eyes, his shining more than mine. My eyes softened as I noticed the same galaxies being held in his eyes as before.

Whether he knew it or not, I love his eyes.

"I don't remember liking men, but damn I felt so drawn to do that." Jungkook said to the nurse with a smile. "And it felt really good.."

A slight blush came across my cheeks once I realized that if Jungkook doesn't remember me, then he sure as hell doesn't remember the whole contract or anything about my plan.

He just kissed me. And it wasn't acting.

I smiled, then furrowed my eyebrows once a hand was placed on my shoulder. "Let's Uh.. get you out of here." Jimin pushed me away from Jungkook, but Jungkook held onto me.

"No, I want him to stay." Jungkook said.

Jimin looked at him and then bit his lip. "Fine.. If you get your memory back, I swear you'll kill me for the things you'll do." He said.

He left the room, along with the nurse, and I placed a chair next to Jungkook's bed. He put his hand on my head and then ruffled my hair like a kid. "You're so cute!" He smiled at me.

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