Chapter Seventeen

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"Attention passengers, the ship will be leaving in approximately five minutes. Stay safe and enjoy your cruise!" A woman announced over a loud speaker outside.

"Shut the hell up, lady." I rolled my eyes as I placed my suitcase on my bed. This time, unlike the huge hotel we were at last night, Jungkook and I had separate beds. The beds were side by side, but they were still separate.

What the hell was that woman announcing? I barely even understand English. Maybe a trip to America was a mistake..

Jungkook looked over at me and chuckled. "I'm sure that she can't hear you, Yoongi. Besides, what did she do to you?" He asked as he was unpacking his clothes and setting them neatly into drawers and on hangers.

"She's annoying." I shrugged. "She's been announcing something every five minutes."

"Would you want to be left behind?"

How did he know what she said?

  I stared at him and raised my eyebrow. "Do you want to be left behind? I can go alone—"

  "No!" He held up his hands with worry on his face. "I've never been on a cruise ship before. Hell, I've never even been on a boat, much less a vacation at all." He frowned up at me.

  "Kook, I'm not actually leaving you." I laughed as I watched him panic. I rolled my eyes as I picked a piece of paper off of my bed. Jungkook pouted and went back to unpacking.

The piece of paper had a list of things to do and things to eat in the 'special restaurant'.

"What's so special about this restaurant? Is it the juicy steak, or the fact that the steak is twenty dollars overpriced?" I looked at the price. I scanned the pictures, thanking God that the pictures were there, or else I wouldn't know what the hell I was looking at.

Jungkook came up behind me and looked at the paper. "Special.. dinner.." he started reading the English parts. I looked back at him and tilted my head. Can he read English?

"Since when did you get smart?"

Jungkook's mouth hung open as he looked at me. "I learned some English in school." He said with an offended voice. "I am kind of smart."

"Yeah, you're a smart ass." I chuckled.

He pushed me, making me stumble back and hit my foot against the bed. I bit my lip as my foot started hurting and I kicked Jeon in the leg, making him fall over onto his bed.

Jungkook pouted and grabbed my shirt, pulling me forward. I wasn't sure what he was doing, and it was confusing me honestly.

He brought me to the edge of the bed, looking up at me with his chocolate eyes. "Don't pick a fight with me, Mr. Min." He smirked. "I could end you in a heartbeat." He scanned me.

My mouth opened slightly as I placed my hand on his, trying to unlock his hand from my collar. I couldn't help but looking down at his lips. They were pink and he had fresh chapstick on. -- I know because I watched him put it on earlier before we ever opened our room door.

The smirk on his lips was showing his obvious confidence, which was barely rare with him.

"You're staring." Jungkook cut off my thoughts. I blinked once, then twice.

"No I'm not." I clenched my hand on his and pulled it off of me. He clicked his tongue as I backed away from him, so I turned to him.

He looked up at me with confidence and shook his head slowly. "Coward." He whispered. My eyebrows furrowed and I looked at him as he shrugged at me. Oh, it's on now.

I stepped forward and pressed my knee against the bed next to him, feeling it sink down as I lowered myself onto him. I grabbed his wrists and forces them to the bed.

Jeon looked up with a shocked look, but I didn't see it for too long before I lowered my face to his neck, pressing my lips against his skin just like I had done once before.

Whether I like to admit it or not, I had been dying to taste his sweet skin again.

Whether I like it or not, his confidence made me want to set him into his place.

Whether he knew it or not, all the tension when he does the slightest thing tortures me.

And whether he likes it or not, he set himself up for this little disaster that he asked for.

I licked his neck and pressed little kisses onto it, making his breathing quicken. I felt my heart beat thump a million times faster, making my eyebrows furrow. My lips parted from his skin as I lifted myself to look at him. When I looked at him, his eyes fluttered closed and he swallowed a lump in his throat.

His dark brown hair was parted and falling down his face as he bit his own lips hungrily.

"More.." He breathed out.

I smirked to myself and I started leaving more kisses on his neck, making him tilt his head so I could get more onto his soft skin. I took my hand away from one of his wrists and slowly slid it up his thigh as he shook under my touch. As I was about to kiss up to his jaw, there was a knock on the stupid door right beside us.

  "Hello?" A woman who spoke English knocked on the door once again. She said something else, but I didn't know what it was.
I was too annoyed to even try to translate what she was saying. I looked down at Jungkook, shock filling his pretty doe eyes. Wait..

Fuck. What the fuck am I doing with Jeon?


2 chapters + some action Bc my dumb ass didn't publish last night lol

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