Chapter Fourteen

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  "You ready?" I asked Jungkook as he lowered the microphone to be near his mouth. He nodded, but then he raised up his hand.

  "I'm fine with singing, but I can't do the rap part." He said. I merely looked at him.

  "Of course not." I rolled my eyes.

  He gasped at me dramatically. "You know what? Nevermind, old man. I'll do the rap." He put the headphones on and crossed his arms.

  I shrugged with a smile as I turned on the accompaniment for him. He closed his eyes and got ready for the beat to come in. He opened his mouth slightly and started singing— something I had never seen him do.

  His voice was soft and shy at first, until he got more into the song. The brown eyes I had seen moments ago were now covered by his eyelids, and his eyebrows were furrowed.

  He sang with such.. emotion.

  Jungkook fluttered his eyes open and looked straight at me, making me bite my lip to hold back my smile as he sang beautifully.

  I won't admit that.

  Not to him, Barely to myself.
It's beautiful.

  The rap part came up, and he started getting into the song, making me laugh out loud. I paused the music once Jungkook stopped rapping. "Why are you laughing?" He pouted.

  "B-Because you're rapping." I laughed.

  He looked down and fiddled with the headphones. "Am I that bad?" He asked.

  "No!" I said a little too quickly. "I'm laughing because you're actually good. I wasn't expecting you to be good at rapping. Or singing." I leaned back in my chair.

  "You think I'm good?" He looked up.

  My mouth hung open as he looked at me. His eyes were nervous-looking and he seemed embarrassed. "Well-" I gripped onto my chair and looked up at him. "Yeah." I gave in.

  His eyes lit up and his mouth formed into his big bunny smile. "Oh my God!" He cheered. "Min Yoongi, I believe that's the very first compliment I have ever gotten from you."

  I rolled my eyes.

  "I want to hear you sing." He said.

  "I don't sing, I rap." I laughed.

  He rolled his eyes. "Then I want to hear you rap." He smiled. The headphones dangled in my face as he stepped closer to me.

  "I don't want to do it now." I said.

  "Then show me on here." He pointed at the computer. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

  "Who said that I have-"

  "Yoongi, you write lyrics." He sat next to me. "You write songs. I know that you've recorded yourself before. Just show me." He said.

  I stared at him for a second, and he stared back. I groaned and placed my hand on the mouse. "You're so annoying," I smiled.

  He smiled also and leaned forward as I clicked on a song. The song started, and when my voice came in, Jungkook's eyes widened.

  I watched him the whole time "Seesaw" played, and he furrowed his eyebrows at one point. When the song was over, he looked at me. "Why are all of your songs so deep?"

  "What's the point in a song if it doesn't have meaning?" I leaned back in my chair.

  He looked away and nodded.

  "I bet your parents are proud, aren't they?" Jungkook said as he leaned back as well. I bit my cheek and looked away from him.

  "I bet my dad would be." I muttered out.

  Jungkook's head snapped to look at me. "Wait-" He looked at the ground and hit his forehead with his hand. "I'm so sorry."

  "It's fine." I smiled slightly. "No big deal."

  He furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed my arm, squeezing it. I looked up at him and tilted my head as my lips parted.

  "No big deal?" He repeated with a worried look. "Yoongi, I don't know if you've noticed, but it's okay to fucking feel sometimes."

  "Watch your language, kid." I said.

  He shook his head. "I'm eighteen. Not a kid." He said. My eyes widened as I looked up.

  "Eighteen?!" I gasped.

  "Stop getting me off track!" Jungkook shut his eyes tightly. "Yoongi, I want you to stop hiding your feelings. It's seriously unhealthy."

  I furrowed my eyebrows as I leaned back again. I didn't say anything to him.

  "What happened with your dad?" He asked me after a while. I bit my lip as he stared into the side of my head with a stern look.

  "He's just.. dead." I mumbled.

  Jungkook placed his hand on my cheek and turned my head to look at him. "Speak up, please. I didn't hear what you said—"

  I smacked his hand away and crossed my arms. "I said he's fucking dead!" I snapped at him, maybe a little too harshly.

  He frowned and backed away from me.

  "I'll just go," He stood up from the chair.

  "Wait a minute-" The door shut. I sling my head back into my chair. What the fuck?

  Is he upset? For fucking what? It's my life. My problems. Why does he want to fucking care about it? I don't even care about it.

  Barely.. I barely care about it.

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