Chapter Twenty-Two

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I smiled as Seokjin started hitting Jimin with a spoon. "You never listen to me!" Jin complained as Jimin poured too much salt in the pot. Jimin pouted up at Jin. "Sorry."

Jin patted him as he looked down.

"Don't look like that. You make me feel guilty." He wrapped his arms around Jimin.

"You don't feel guilty for hitting me with a spoon?" Jimin laughed along with some of the other workers and also me. Jin groaned.

"Stop twisting my words."


Today was a long day. I had invited Jimin over because I was bored and Yoongi had went out earlier, but didn't say where he was going. Jimin ended up talking to Jin more than me.

I went to one of the rooms in the big house, still not sure as to what door leads to where, but I knew that one specific door led to a big living room with a couch and decorations.

When I sat down on the couch, I heard the front door opening. Yoongi must be home.

"Jungkook.." Jimin popped into the room a couple of minutes later, after I settled in.

"What?" I questioned his worried look.

He closed the door and stepped in. "Help me. Yoongi's drunk and he usually says random shit when he's like this." He walked up to me.

"What about it?" I shrugged.

Jimin smacked my arm. "The plan!"

  My eyes widened as I realized what he meant. "Ugh." I stood up from the couch and groaned as I made my way to the front door where Yoongi was leaned up against the wall.

  His face was red and he looked tired.

  "Jeon~" Yoongi made grabby hands as he stumbled towards me. I held onto him and lifted his chin to make him look at me.

  "Why did you get drunk?" I looked into his dark eyes. He frowned up at me as all of his workers walked into the hall and stared.

  I started getting nervous. They don't know.

  "Jeon," Yoongi wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer. "Why won't you let me kiss you? Just once.. I won't tell anyone."

  I felt my face heat up as he started leaving kisses on my neck. "Yoongi, Stop." I whispered. Jimin started pushing workers back into their sections. "There's nothing to see." He said.

  I lifted up Yoongi and started going up the stairs to his room. "You idiot." I muttered as he played with my hair. When I got to his room, I opened the door and placed him on his bed.

  "Jeon.." Yoongi rolled over in his bed.

  "What?" I turned around to look at him. He frowned and sat up in his bed. "Get me clothes." He groaned as he stuffed a pillow in his face. "I'm so fucking tired." He said.

  I rolled my eyes and opened his drawer to get pyjamas for him. "Here." I threw a shirt and shorts at him. "Stop being so.. needy.."

  "Shh" He put his finger up to his mouth and furrowed his eyebrows. "Sleep time." He fell back into his bed with a frown, not even bothering to put on the clothes I gave him.

  "Didn't you drink while we were in America?" I asked him. When he drank before, he didn't act like this. Then again, he didn't drink a lot.

He nodded his head and then Tilted it. "Who said I was drunk?" He asked me.

I squinted at him and my mouth opened.

"Then.. What are you?" I asked him.

  Yoongi looked up at me with a mischievous grin. "I was joking. I drank too much." He said with a little laugh. I pouted at him. Stupid.

  "How much did you drink?"

  "Too much. I want to sleep." He leaned forward and tugged at my shirt. "Sleep with me.." He pulled me forward. I frowned at him.

  "First you want me to kiss you, then you want me to sleep with you?" I laughed. "Who are you? You're obviously not Min Yoongi."

  I climbed into the bed with him even though I knew I would regret it later. Before, when I was still getting used to Yoongi, I would say that it's unprofessional to do the things that he wanted. Now, it's different. It's like I can't stay away.

  I don't want to stay away from him.

  "I am Min Yoongi." He grabbed onto a lock of my hair and twisted it with his finger. "I like music. I like Kumamon. I liked my black hair, but for some reason I dyed it blond. I also like wearing comfortable clothes besides wearing those stupid suits I always wear." He laughed.

  I nodded my head as he looked up at me.

  "You like a lot of things, Min Yoongi."

  "Min Yoongi." He repeated. "Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook. I like the way that sounds."

  I smiled as he wrapped his fingers slowly around mine. "Guess what else I like.." his soft brown eyes trailed up to look into mine.

  "What?.." I stared back into his eyes.


Pffttt we love drunk confessions KSHSKS

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