Chapter Twenty

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I groaned as I looked at my phone. "Jimin, what the fuck is this shit?" I looked at him.

"Holy— You called me Jimin?" He stood up in his seat and walked towards me, looking down at my phone. "Honestly, I'm not sure what the hell that is. Most people use iPhones, not-"

"Park!" I smacked his head. He frowned and rubbed the spot I hit. "I meant the message."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at my phone once again, reading the message I had gotten. "Oh, yeah. A meeting was scheduled. It's not that far away."

"It's a damn four hour drive!" I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Why didn't you tell me about this? It's literally today." I said.

"Oh, I didn't mention it?" Jimin sat back down in his seat. "Sorry, Mr. Min. I was too busy talking with your boy toy." He smirked.

I glanced up at him as he wiggled his eyebrows. "You talk to Jeon?" I asked.

Jimin nodded and smiled. "Isn't he just the cutest?" He stood up and leaned over my desk. "What a shame. We would've been so cute—"

"Shut the fuck up, Park." I snapped at him.

The only reason he's still here is because: one, he made my dad happy and two, he knows my plan. I wish I could throw him away like trash But I sadly can't. "What a shame," as he said.

His mouth lifted into a bright smile.

"I knew it!" Jimin cheered. "Mr. Min has a crush on his husband." Jimin laughed as he sat back down once again. "I was joking. I have my eye set on someone else, boss." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes at him. Stupid kid.

"It's supposed to be stormy tonight." I stated. "Call and get me a hotel room. I'm leaving now so I won't be stuck in the storm." I stood up.

"But you just got here." He looked at me.

I took the magazine he was holding and threw it onto my desk. "Bitch, you're lucky that you still work for me. Just do as I said." I walked out of my office as Jimin frowned. I saw him turn on his phone from my window and I felt relief as he scrolled through hotel numbers.

  Thank God.

  "Mr. Min?" I heard Taehyung's voice come from behind me. I turned around to see him standing there with freshly dyed hair.

  "Nice. Blonde looks good on you." I told him. He smiled a boxy smile and his shoulders shook as he laughed a little. "A compliment? That's weird, do I know you?" He asked.

  "Ah, shut up." I looked away. "What did you need?" I asked him. He coughed awkwardly and stood up straighter to be less wimpy.

  Taehyung handed me a piece of paper and smiled. "Open it." He said. I looked at him as he basically shoved the paper in my face.

  I took the paper and unfolded it slowly.

  "Congratulations!.." Taehyung cheered. "You have officially brought your father's business back to life." He smiled as my mouth hung open. Holy shit. Oh my God. No way.

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